Dreams & Nightmares

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"I'm Carl Azuz and we hope you'll chick us out tomorrow." "That's how I, Carl, have to sign off every day on CNN student news. It gets tiring after awhile. I mean, pun after pun after pun. When will it fucking end?" Those are basically the thoughts I think everyday I say aloud, accidentally. My boss overhears me and starts walking toward me. "Carl, is everything okay?" I slump back into my chair and start sobbing. "No." I manage in between breathes, "Nothing is okay!" I yell and throw my briefcase at my Ted Cruz poster. My boss tries comforting me, "Hey maybe you should tell me what's wrong, it'll probably feel better if you let it out." I sniffle, but reluctantly decide that I should probably tell him what's going on. I explain to him that it's tiring just saying puns all day. Even though I do deliver news and junior high and high schools love me all across the nation, it just doesn't feel genuine. He sighs and apologizes. I half smile. I then get up and straighten my Ted Cruz poster and pick my briefcase up. My boss runs over to me and asks if I'd like to interview Ted. My heart flutters. My stomach gets that happy feeling, and my eyes water a bit. It's no secret that I have had a crush him for a very long time, and I finally have an opportunity to connect with him. I manage to stutter out a yes, and he hands me some items. I hug my boss and run out of the building dancing and singing. It was the greatest day ever. "YIPPEE!" I scream as I get into my car. I put in my favorite Kanye West CD and blast it as I drive fast as I follow the route to my house. I dance as a drive and think to myself, "I wonder if Ted likes Kanye West?" I dream about making love with Ted as Kanye plays in the back. It's very dark when I finally reach my house. I eject my CD and go inside, run to my bedroom and jump and when I land, I sprawl out on my bed. I soon fall asleep and dream of meeting Ted. It was dark. I was scared. A hand touches my leg. "I've been expecting you..." A voice says from behind me. I gulp, "W-W-ho's t-h-here?" I stutter. I hear a maniacal laugh. I quickly jolt awake in full sweat. I couldn't go back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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