Forget What You Thought

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Hello again everyone!! I wasn't planning on posting the first chapter of the sequel so soon but things came up and I already have 2 chapters done so far so I figured why not! :)

Well I can official welcome you all to my newest story, the sequel to Stuck In The Dark...Good Girls are Bad Girls (GGABG) And yes it is named after a 5 Seconds of Summer song so if you guessed that 5sos has a big part of this story then you are correct!!! :) I've written 2 5SOS imagines actually if you wanna check those out! Theres an Ashton one and a Michael one which means a lot to me because its very deep into feelings and such :) So if you wanna check that out go for it!!

I don't have too much to say except for thank you so so so much for reading my stories and moving onto the sequel and reading this!! :) Please give me feedback and tell me what you guys would love to see in the future because I want this story to reflect what you guys want to see!!! :D Thank you so much!! I love you! :)



First day of senior year, I'm so ready to get the hell out of this school and move on. Those were the only thoughts going through my mind as I drove myself to school for the first time. It's too early to be driving but this is much better than the bus. It didn't take long to find a parking spot and park, for a private school the parking lot was pretty empty. Yes, I go to a private school but my parents think I'd be eaten alive at public school so that's why I'm extremely socially awkward.

I went right to my first class and sat on the top of my desk waiting for my friends to come in. Criminal and Civil Law, oh joy. My smug look turned to a smile when Karla walked into the room. "Hey Karla!"

She smiled and gave me a hug, "What's up Autumn?"

"Meh," I let out a small laugh then straightened out the skirt of my uniform. "Just another year of high school right?"

Karla nodded, "I guess so, and starting it off with this class isn't helping; but at least we get to leave early!"

I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god."

Karla looked up at the clock, "We've got five minutes before this final year starts." She groaned and I let out a small laugh. "So how was driving to school?"

I rolled my eyes, "It was alright, drove past "the rock" with my window down and the amount of smoke that went in my car was crazy." The rock is the place where all the druggie and smokers at our school hang out before class starts so that they can get a few last puffs in since they can't smoke on school property.

"I warned you." Karla crossed her arms, "It's not like you've never smelt pot before right?" I gave a tiny shrug in response and Karla shook my shoulders. "You seriously need to get out more!"

"You know my parents don't let me to anything! Especially with the paparazzi around and stuff." My voice got quiet and Karla rolled her eyes. "You saw the paper a few months ago! When I got my license there were pictures of me everywhere! Just because I'm the daughter of some old famous boy band member." Yup that's right, I'm Harry Styles daughter in the flesh! For some reason that either ticks people off or makes them love me. I've had so many issues over the years with it and that's why my parents don't let me really do anything.

"You can't let that run your life."

"I don't!" I exclaimed and Karla gave me a look, "My parents do, but all that matters is I get great grades, and get into a good college!"

"Yeah yeah, I know. You need to be the perfect angel child your parents want you to be." Karla mocked taking a seat in a desk, but before I could protest our teacher walked in. And because of how lucky I am the first thing our teacher did was assign a seating chart, where I'm on one side of the room and Karla is on the other. The class went by seemingly quickly and when the bell rang I went right up to Karla and hit her arm. "What was that for!?"

Good Girls Are Bad Girls {Sequel To Stuck In The Dark}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin