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Hey everyone!! Sorry it takes me so long to update :( it won't take me as long now since I'm finally on summer vacation!!         WOOOO!!!        yeah that space was needed in this excitement. Speaking of excitement...ED SHEERANS ALBUM CAME OUT AND ITS BEAUTIFUL!! Alright i need to hurry up because my laptop is going to die so I hope you guys like this chapter!!! 








I wanted to stand up but I couldn't even move. My eyes just stayed locked with the familiar blue eyes that I thought I had forgotten, eyes I wished I could have forgotten. I swallowed and opened my mouth and tried to speak but I couldn't. 

"Hey Michael." Camden waved from behind me. However, I think Michael was having the same problem I was having because all he did was lift his hand and kinda wave. It was silent between us for while until Camden grabbed my arm pulling me off my chair. I stumbled to follow him and he pulled me to the side of the room, "What the fuck are you doing!?" 

"I-I need to talk to him." I managed to mutter.

Camden scowled at me, "Are you nuts!? Don't you realize how much you've given up for him!? How much you've changed!?" I just nodded, "Don't you think staying away from him might help you?" 

I shook my head, "I thought he changed me for the be-"

"Don't even try that." Camden snapped, "Your grades dropped,"

"I still got into Harvard." I cut in and Camden groaned.

"Hate to break it to you, straight As isn't the only reason you got in." Camden crossed his arms and I looked down knowing he was right. I let him continue his sentence from before, "Autumn you were put in situations that you never should have been in! We fought all the time because of him do you really want that to happen again?"

"So you decided to dye your hair too huh?" Michael's voice rang in my ear deeper than it used to be but so familiar. 

I swallowed hard and turned my head so I was looking right at him, "Yeah I did. I see you went back to something bright!" I tried to laugh but it felt wrong to but I just wanted to hug him. I really did. 

Camden crossed his arms, "So I see you haven't changed much." He looked Michael up and down with a glare. 

Michael laughed, something I can't seem to do even though Michael's laugh wasn't awkward it felt right. "Nah I don't think so. I got a little bit more color since the last time I saw you though, England didn't do very much for my complexion." Now I laughed, a lot hard than I should have. Michael gave me a weird look, "Was I really that ghost white?" 

Good Girls Are Bad Girls {Sequel To Stuck In The Dark}Where stories live. Discover now