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Why hello there everyone! It's been too long :) I've been on break and enjoying my holiday how about you guys!? It's been crazy here too and my old laptop crapped out on me so I had to rewrite this whole chapter when I got the new one that I am writing on now :) So I really hope you guys like this new chapetr <3 I'll be updating soon love you guys <3



My hazed mind didn't seem to catch onto the concept of what my eyes were perceiving. Something was up; but I couldn't comprehend what it was. Luke held his girlfriend tightly around the waist, something he usually does but Melody didn't look comfortable. "Come play FIFA Ashton!" My girlfriend started tugging at my arm and I just blinked towards her, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, "Nothing! What's wrong with you?" I giggled tapping her nose as I said you.

Now it was her turn to giggle and I kissed her cheek, "Come play babe!"

I shook my head, "I don't really like FIFA babe,"

She frowned again pulling on my arm just when Autumn jumped in, "Probably the only game she's good at."

My girlfriend's face fell a bit, was she actually offended by that? Michael, from his spot next to his own girlfriend, nudged her arm, "Hey not every girl can be a gamer like you."

She smirked with a quaint shrug. "Not every guy is as perfect as you." She nuzzled her face into his neck and his soft smile turned to a blissful smirk.

"Fuck-" he groaned slightly and my eyes darted to Luke and Melody, the more cuddly couple but I was shocked to see Calum sitting between them. They're always next to each other, what's with this sudden change? My incoherent mind let my question slip out of my mouth and Calum stared at me blinking a bit.

"Mel is maddddddd." Calum nodded softly.

Melody tightly crossed her arms, only validating Calum's easily dismissible statement. "Why's that?"

Luke sassed slightly glaring past Calum only to receive a similar look from Melody. "I want you to stop talking Lukey." She cringed into her last word.

The hurt was written all over her face but before I had the chance to say anything Abigail was pulling on my sleeve; "Ashhhhhh."

"Yes babe?" I chuckled seeing her bright smile that reminded me of why I fell for her in the first place. Abigail had never been the most confident friend we've had even though we grew up with her she was just never comfortable with her looks especially when she went out with us, so no matter where we went or what she wore I always complimented her. I needed to make sure she knew she was beautiful, and slowly she started accepting it. After my constant compliments for about a month straight, the guys and I were hanging out and invited Abigail. That was the first time I saw her in her most natural state, and most beautiful. She rocked a pair of sweatpants, a black v neck all while her hair was tossed up into a bun. She looked absolutely beautiful, and if her personality wasn't already a reason that I had fallen for her, at that second I fell in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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