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Sorry for the verrryyyy late late lATE update *nervous laugh*

Uhhh onto the story!
Note: I'm metioning some Harry Potter characters for this story :)))))) and art above is not mine. + swearing.

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Hogwarts! AU
Gryffindor! Dan (5th year)
Hufflepuff! Phil (6th year)
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>Author's P.O.V<

Dan walked through the halls of the castle, making his way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Not much people were awake yet so he had a peaceful morning walk to breakfast. The peacefulness broke when Fred and George, the Weasley twins, popped out of nowhere, which frightened the boy, and started walking with the brunette.

"Merlins fucking beard, can you two stop popping out of shitting nowhere?!" Dan whisper-yelled, in case a teacher, specifically Professor Snape, walked past them. "Can't stop us, Howell." They both said at the same time with cheeky smirks plastered on their faces. Dan sighed and started walking again, the twins right behind him. "What do you guys want?" The twins looked at eachother and smirked. "We know you like a certain...Hufflepuff." Fred said whilst wiggling his eyebrows. Dan's face flushed bright red. "Y-yeah so what about it?" The younger stuttered out. "Well, Fred and I have been thinking on how to get you two together!" George happily said.

"But we don't even know each other that well, sure we've said few 'hi's' and 'hello's' and became partners in Potions class. But what if he doesn't like me back??" As he asked this they finally arrived at the Great Hall. "Don't worry Dan." George reassured. "We've got everything under control."  Fred finished the sentence.

They sat down at their table, across eachother. As Dan grabbed a bowl full of cereal, a group of Hufflepuffs made their way down the aisle towards their respective table. The brunette looked up to see his crush, Phil Lester, laughing with his other friends, which made him smile, until they made eye conatct. They stared at each other for a few seconds until Dan realized what was happening and looked down at his food, becoming a blushing mess. Phil smiled at how Dan becomes much more cuter while he's flustered.

>Dan's P.O.V<

Here I am, sitting down, at the Gryffindor table, blushing like a mad man. All because of my stupid crush on Philip Michael Lester. I finished my cereal and immediately speed-walked to my first class, Potions, even though it's very early, not even saying anything to the twins. As I turned to the right I bumped into Harry, who caught me by the waist. "Woah there, watch where you're going Dan." Harry said. "Right, right, got to go to Potions class!!" I exclaimed, getting out of Harry's hold on me, walking towards the opposite direction. To the Courtyard for some time alone.

>Harry's thoughts/P.O.V<

'Isn't Potions the way Dan was going at first?' I scrunched my face due to confusion. I sigh forgetting about it as I enter the Great Hall for late breakfast. 'Wait a minute...isn't Divination Dan's first class...I understand on why he wants to skip it, pretty boring class to be honest..but I have to ask the twins on what our fellow Gryffindor is up to since he is pretty close to them.'

>Author's P.O.V<

Dan slowed down a bit as he arrived at the courtyard. He didn't actually have Potions as his first class(*gasp* he lied), he had Divination and it was sooo boring. He just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He sat down on the bench, leaning back, staring at the clouds. Phil happened to be walking by so he joined Dan.

"Hello Danny~" Phil purred in Dan's ear as he wrapped an arm around the brunettes shoulder. Dan came to his senses, widened his eyes, and scooted away from Phil with his arms forming an 'X', blushing.

"Woah, woah, woah...did you just call me Danny?" Dan asked.

Phil hummed as a response.

"And wrapped an arm around me?"


The younger one blushed so hard, Phil thought he might explode. Dan took his face in his hands to hide his flustered face. The ravenette smiled and took Dan's hands into his, removing them from his face. Dan looked up to see Phil's face inches away from him. They stared at each other for a few minutes, taking in each others features. "Merlins fucking dick, you're hotter up close." Dan muttered, making sure the older one didn't hear. But Phil heard it. Blushing, Phil smirked and said "Well you're hotter up close too...Danny~". Dan couldn't hold it back any longer and kissed Phil. The Hufflepuff's eyes widened and kissed back instantly.
Dan wrapped his arms around Phil's neck, whilst Phil snaked his hands around Dan's waist, pulling him closer. The Gryffindor played with the Hufflepuff's fluffy hair, messing it up. They could feel two pairs, or even a group of eyes watching them, so they stopped and looked around. They found Fred, George, Ron, Cedric, Harry , and Hermione watching them behind a wall. Fred and George ran up to Dan, lifted him up and spun him around, smiling like idiots, congratulating him on his new boyfriend.

"Dan's got a boyfriend! Dan's got a boyfriend!" They shouted

"Hey! Put me down you idiots!" Dan laughed as he was gently plopped back on the bench beside Phil. "He hasn't  even asked me out yet."

"Just ask him out already Philip Michael Lester!!! I'm tired of seeing you stare at him everyday, neither both of you talking to each other!!!" Everyone turned to Cedric.

"What? It get's annoying seeing your best friend moping around everyday, talking to himself that 'Oh he won't like me back, I'm just one stupid Hufflepuff.'" Cedric shrugged.

Everyone turned their eyes to Phil, who is a blushing mess. "So...you stare at me?" Dan asked, hoping that this is true.

"Y-yeah.." Phil stuttered. "But don't think of it as something a creepy guy would do!"

"Come on! Phil! Ask him out!" Harry yelled



"Would you like to be in a relationship with me? And would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this coming saturday, as a date?" Phil asked with hope in his ocean blue eyes.

"Yes and yes..." Dan moved his head near Phil's ear and said "Philly~".

Phil's face flushed a bright red color.

"Phan is real! Phan is real! Phan is real! Phan is real!" Fred and George chanted.
"Our plan worked Freddy!" George exclaimed.
"What plan...?" Dan asked.
"We forced Phil into confessing his love for you, so we told him where you went and made him ask you out." Fred and George said at the same time, with cheeky smiles on their faces.

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Word count: 1157 words

Well that was the longest one I've made... that ending sucked tho ;;
There's probably gonna be a part two for this!
So ya'll just 🐝 patient and calm your asses down.

K BYE 🐝🖤

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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