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Most of the story will be told from Dan's prospective but I will tell you all when it changes.

I wake up with hunger pains in my stomach It's like Phil didn't even take me out to eat last night. I don't know why but Phil has been extremely nice to me these past few days he as been doing stuff like taking me places that I love. I can't say I don't enjoy the attention and to be honest I alwayed had loved Phil a lot, he is what I have a passion for and I can say without a doubt I adore him. I just love him so much but never had the guts to tell him how I felt so deeply about that boy and it might seem crazy but sometimes I think he feels the same way about me. As I'm laying down and day dreaming about Phil and his perfect body and how i would like to kiss his lush lips, I began smell someone cooking mouthwatering pancakes and I remember how hungry I've been I quickly put on my faded black T-shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans. I practically run down the steps expecting to see my perfect adorable Phil but as I walk in the kitchen I stop dead in my tracks, there's a girl and Phil in there I can't help but as watch as Phil kisses her on the cheek and stands back and smiles brightly.

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