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do you believe in first love? no, not really..that's why iwaizumi thinks until one day. he meet someone that will change his view in first love for forever.

it was a great day, cherry blossom blooming and the petals blew away by the winds. iwaizumi took a deep breaths as he made his way to the big city.

he's going to this dairy company that's having a factory tour and he couldn't miss the opportunity away. he's not that into dairy product but since his favourite artist who is the icon of the company are coming to the factory. he can't let the chance past by him just like that.

iwaizumi made his way into the factory ground. Lot's of people came especially family that have young kids. "now where i should look for my fav?" he ask himself.

he think for a while before making his way towards the food court that was set up besides the company. "iwaizumi!" he heard his name was being call, he turn around and was greeted by his friends, kuroo.

"oh hey kuroo, what are you doing here?" kuroo shrugged and point to the others at the back. "they practically dragged me here" kuroo pointed towards where kageyama, hinata, daichi and bokuto were. "and kageyama is lowkey milk addict. what about you?" kuroo ask "well my favourite band is coming here today so that's why" kuroo nodded before him and iwaizumi joining the others stuffing their face with all the foods that being sold there.

"let's go see the tour guys" daichi suggested and was agreed by the others. they stood inline towards the entrance. luckily the line was not that long and they got in the factory in no time.

"please form a line here" a voice greeted them as they were inside "I'm in love" bokuto said as he stare at the person whose name was written on his name tag as akaashi. "please form a few line so it would be easier when we will go inside the factory" they quickly scramble making a line.

"excuse me for a second"akaashi bow before excusing himself from them. "how long we have to wait?" hinata whine until someone cleared their throat from behind them, they quickly turn around was greet with a guy with luscious brown hair that was swept to the side, iwaizumi jaw dropped as he met eyes with the person.

he smile to iwaizumi before walking past them to the front. "sorry for the long wait, my name is oikawa and i will be your tour guide for today" he said eyes meeting iwaizumi making the other boy blush. "let's get started with the tour shall we?" oikawa turns and walk towards the lab , kageyama practically run after oikawa and was followed by the others.

after a few "dumbass hinata" and a series of "heyheyhey" the tour finally over. luckily no one got hurt except for bokuto who got ignore by akaashi when he try to ask for his number (no luck baby..maybe next time)

"cheer up bro, maybe he was shy or something" kuroo said as he patted bokuto's back before turned towards iwaizumi "what about your fav idol?" iwaizumi shrugs because that's aren't really matter what matters right now is this oikawa guy. ever since he first laid his eyes on him he can't help but feel he wanted to get to know him more.

"excuse me" a voice interrupt them "can i talk to you for a moment?" akaashi said to bokuto, he quickly got up and follow him "well he sure does looks happy" daichi said as they look where bokuto and akaashi were. "guys, what for a moment i think i left my bag inside" iwaizumi said as he realized his bag was missing, he makes his way inside hopefully to find his bag and HOPEFULLY to saw oikawa again.

he make his way inside, looking around where he could've left his bag "are you looking for this?" iwaizumi turn around and met eyes with the person he was hoping he would meet "yeah i was" oikawa handed him his bag "thanks for this though" oikawa chuckled which confused him "you don't have to be shy with me. what's your name?" oikawa smirk causing iwaizumi to roll his eyes "not really. and my name is iwaizumi but you can call me tonight" (this is lame) iwaizumi flustered he can't believed what he just said, as oikawa blushed bright red(he's a trashh I'm sorry) he may be a flirt but being flirt like that make him fluster a bit "oh..... i.... that was lame..I'm lame...well i..don't mean it like it, sorry well thanks...bye" before oikawa could say anything iwaizumi already make his way outside.

"you found your bag?" kuroo ask iwaizumi as saw him "yeahh i did. so what happen with bokuto?" they look towards bokuto who didn't stop smiling staring at a piece of paper "well that akaashi dude gave him his number so now he can't stop staring at it" iwaizumi laugh before he feel a poke on his shoulder, he turn around and saw a blushing tras- i mean blushing oikawa behind him. "my name may not be iwaizumi but you can call me tonight" oikawa shove a paper on iwaizumi hands before sprint inside the building making him has no time to react "what's that about?" ask kuroo not understand with what the brown hair dude just said "i have no idea but let's go" iwaizumi chuckled before following the others out.

Sorry for the lame story i just need to let it out somewhere so here it is....i will think if I'm gonna add another episode or nahh....but srsly my story are lame..I'm sory bye

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