Bonuss ✌

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So here's a little update for my iwaoi fic .... sorry it took so long, busy with assignment and I'm going bck to college next week so before I'm busy again.. here's the update for

a week has passed since iwaizumi meet oikawa md exchanging numbers. they occasionally exchange texts and calls but that's all they have beem done for the past week. so oikawa being the impatient trash he always been he decided to make the first move.

calling.... iwa-chan 📞

iwa: I'm working right now

oikawa: (ӦvӦ。) but iwa-chan~

iwa: *currently thinking his life choices* ok you got 5 minute. what do you want?

oikawa: when did you got off work?

iwa: around 6, why?

oikawa: great. i meet you after work.

iwa: for what?

oikawa: for out date duhh...goodbye iwa-chann~ *hang up*

iwa: (•///•)

iwaizumi flushed red, trying to sink in all the stuff oikawa just said. "hey iwaizumi, you ok? you look kinda red" his co-worker stated as he hid his face with his hand "yeah, I'm fine" his co-worker nodded before walking away.

he didn't expect oikawa to be so blunt and ...... easy *awkward laugh* enough said, there's still one hour left before his d-d-date with oikawa. he quickly continue his work so he can finish early.

iwaizumi work as a carpenter, he has his own shop's selling household stuff and you know carpentry stuff. can you just imagine. him with short sleeve shirt revealing those arms 😍 with tools belt around his waist kyaaaa ok that's enough of my imagination. since there's not lots of costumers and request all he had was some paperwork that needs to be done.

6 o'clock pass by quickly, iwaizumi pack up his stuff and took his jacket before walking out of the door, closing the shop. he fish out the keys from his pocket locking the door as he heard a voice "hey sexy" iwaizumi turn around and saw oikawa licking his lips "seriously oikawa?" oikawa laugh as iwaizumi ignore his and continue to close his shop.

"so where we going" iwai ask as he finish closing his shop. "i was thinking about having dinner at this barbecue restaurant that just open around the corner" oikawa smiled making the other boy blush a bit "anything is fine as long as i can eat" oikawa took iwaizumi arm and cling onto it as they walk together to the restaurant, iwaizumi swear his heart about to burst from oikawa touch. clinging onto his arm

they dinner went well, they talk a lot and starting to get to know each other. even though it's the first time they going out after their first encounter at oikawa workplace last week, they aren't awkward around each other but iwaizumi still barely able to control his heart with everything oikawa do.

"thanks for the dinner" iwai start "it's nothing i just glad you want to go out with me" (ーー;) you didn't give me time to answer remember? iwaizumi thought to himself but even if he was given a choice to decline oikawa offers he wouldn't even think about declining it and it was pretty brave of oikawa to ask him out like that.

iwaizumi stop in his track causing oikawa to also stop "is everyth-" before he could finish he was met with a pair of soft lips against his own. his face flushed, his heart beat faster and his legs goes jelly, oikawa was shocked with what had happen.

"sorry that i didn't ask you out first, maybe i was a coward" he peck oikawa forehead and chuckled as the other boy was still a bit dazed "let's go on a real date tomorrow, I'm off work tomorrow and i know you don't work on weekend" oikawa nodded wiping his tears that he didn't know when does it falls from his eyes "i love you iwa-chan" oikawa mumbled causing iwaizumi to laugh, he intertwined their hands together as they continue their walk "i love you too, now let's go home" iwaizumi smile without him knowing he falls deeply in love with oikawa as the time goes by ...

# Bonus more like a otp canon i think.. maybe #

after a few months of being together in a relationship, they moved in together. as they live together, they learn more thing about their partner like oikawa talk about global warming in his sleep, iwaizumi is a great cook and oikawa always watch his alien documentary before he goes to sleep.

at first iwaizumi was quite weird out by oikawa alien thingy buy as they times goes by he start to enjoys it, he eventually joins oiawa as he watch his godamn alien documentary and sometimes he would record it for oikawa if he got off work late.

iwaizumi is not really the type to show his affection to oikawa, well they do hold hands when they go out or givibg kisses before going to work or off to bed but that usually iwaizumi do. but sometimes he can be a bit affectionate towards oikawa and it's what makes him love iwaizumi more. the cuddles, showering oikawa with kisses or make love *winkwonk* to him without oikawa asking.

they like an opposite of each other. oikawa the clumsy one, outgoing, hyper, weird thoughts at nights before sleep and random mood swings ..while iwaizumi is the calm and compose, more like a thinker than a talker, ignore oikawa when he's going on and on about his weird thoughts and usually would ask oikawa stuff when he sleep talk and it amused him that oikawa answered. but you know what they say, opposite do attract(?)...

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