0. 🐺 Just A Dream

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The cold, crisp air tickles my cold, wet nose and goes into the bottom of my lungs, which makes me breathe heavily. It is the sound of a cold that is like an ice cube in the freezer. The leaves are changing assorted colors, and the dry, crunchy leaves are falling from the trees just like feathers falling from heaven and moving all around me in the forest. As I run, my paws are pressed into the wet, muddy grass, tickling between the pads; my ears are twitching with the sounds in the trees; and the light breeze tickles and blows through my silver-white fur, making me shiver in delight. As I run, my tail wagging back and forth happily and delightfully; as I run through the trees, I can hear all the diverse types of other animals making many diverse types of noises, like in a melody that makes my heart flutter like a butterfly in the rhyme of a perfect song. The moon shines down through the tall trees of the forest and makes my fur glow silver-white, like the color that glows in the dark like a shiny sticker.

Some of my favorite things about being a wolf are fall, which is my favorite season for many reasons, like Halloween, pumpkin spice, hot apple cider, or even hot chocolate drinks with many types of tasty treats. I also enjoy the Harvest Festival, which happens every fall to celebrate the new coming of wolves, the history, and the different traditions of the werewolf world, which have been going on for many years. I enjoy watching the seasons change in the blink of an eye, watching the high school football games from the sidelines, cheering, having bonfires with some s'mores and drinks with friends, and many other things. Furthermore, I love wasting time outside, like running in my wolf form or drawing the several types of seasons and locations around town.

I always have this dream where I just run and run, just to get out of the house to get some fresh air to clear my mind from lots of things that are running through my mind while running through my favorite part of the woods that is on my daily running patrol route. No one knows how happy I am about being outdoors for hours and running for a long time without getting tired in my wolf form. I could not sleep and was dying to go for a run to clear my mind of many things that have been on my mind lately and are abnormal for a teenage girl like myself, who should not be stuck in two different worlds and must pretend to be two different people at once. For me, it is easy to sneak out of the huge mansion due to the many secret and hidden paths throughout the house, which is like a giant maze with all its moderate twists and turns. I always sneak out of the house when I need to escape, be alone, or something.

I know a couple of ways to sneak out of the house, like, for example, my private staircase that leads down from my balcony on the second floor or even some other secret ways to sneak out of the house without waking my little brother up, who tends to get me in trouble with being grounded for like a month, so basically, I have to be quiet and try not to make any type of noise to wake him or anyone else up. I ended up escaping the house in silence without waking anyone up in the whole house. Once I was outside, I transformed into my wolf form and went for a long, nice, peaceful run. I ended up near the private lake that is on the property, which was our little swimming hole.

When I got to the crystal aquamarine lake, I drank some of the cold taste of water and decided to splash around the water like when I was younger, playing with some fish, which is so much fun to chase in the water. As I kept drinking the cool lake water, I saw my reflection in the water and a boy. Did I look so much like my brother in wolf form? I was white, like a white chocolate bar with aquamarine water eyes. And my brother was dark chocolate with black eyes. No wonder I kept biting him when I was little. I thought he was a walking candy bar that should be eaten right away in his wolf form.

This place was pretty and very peaceful. It has my own private, tiny lake that I found when I was about ten or so. I come here often, whenever I can. When I was playing like my kid self, I went to the clubhouse that my father and uncle built for the kids. I had some free time, and I loved helping build things with my father or uncle. The clubhouse was in the middle of the largest tree that surrounded the lake. It was high enough to climb up the side of the tree with a rope ladder and a porch that went all the way around to keep an eye out for noisy people.

There is even a medium-sized slide that goes from the top of the clubhouse down to the ground. There are a few swings that have some of the biggest and thickest branches. The clubhouse even has its own pole, like fighter fighters used to help get down from the second floor to the first in case of an emergency. The clubhouse is like a small two- or three-bedroom apartment with everything that we needed, and it was strong enough to hold about ten people. The clubhouse has its own unique theme, like a cabin in the woods, and sometimes we like to sleep in it when we have parties or sleepovers with friends.

About an hour later, I decided to stay home. Suddenly, I heard a noise that sounded like a tree branch breaking with the snap of a finger. I could hear and feel my heart pounding superfast. All I could think was, "Oh my God, please do not let me be a hunter or a drunk person who must be hiking while trespassing on my family's private land." I saw something moving behind a tree trying to get a look at me, which I knew was dangerous, and it was very dangerous to find out who it was up close, but I wanted to find out who that was and why I was smelling the person who was closer than I thought, and it wasn't a normal human. I knew the boy was a hunter. All I can think about is how I am going to find out who this person is and how I am going to not freak myself out while having a panic attack. Then I noticed it was a teenage guy with long brown hair that was not too long, exactly right, and brown eyes, which I could drool over any day. He was about a couple of inches taller than me, and he looked so sexy with his glasses on. He reminded me of a hot nerd, the sort of guy who was into technology and sci-fi stuff, and he was looking right at me. I just stared at him for a couple of minutes, then ran off until I was finally home.

When I finally made it home safely, I could not stop thinking of that guy that I saw in the woods by the lake. I wonder why he was in the woods, so close to my favorite secret place. He was looking for something, but why did he see me in my wolf form? I was starting to get so scared that I ran to my room without making a sound, crawled into my bed, and passed out cold.

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