Death the Kid?

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<Misaki's POV>

After we come back from our Kishin hunt, we go straight to our dorm. I shower and get dressed in a black flowy silk skirt that goes just above my knees and a Nicole short sleeved crop top. I put on black and gold poppy suedette mult buckle boots. I brush my hair and curl it slightly to make it wavy.

I smile at my appearance. I hope Kid thinks I look great. I then put on my only source of make up; bold red lipstick. I nearly squeal at how nice I look. My bright blue eyes are making me look like a vampire, along with my pale skin and how much black I'm wearing.

I shrug it off and walk out of my room and into the living room.

I hear a knock on the door and hurry to answer it.

"Hey Kid," I beam and he beams back.

"Are you ready," he asks.

"Yeah," I say.

I close the door behind me and we walk down the corridor.

"You look amazingly symmetrical," he says.

I blush at hi scompliment. "Thanks," I simply say, "you look very symmetrical yourself."

I see him blush too, "thanks."

Where get outside, there's a car waiting for us.

"You have a license," I ask.

"Um, no," he says sheepishly.

Someone comes out of the driver's seat and bows to us.

I raise my eyebrows in question and he just opens the passenger door for me.

I get in and Kid gets in after me, closing the door.

"So how is it so far," he asks.

"It's great," I answer truthfully.

He sighs in relief and I giggle at how nervous he is. I thought I was the only one nervous for this date, but him being nervous has really called my nerves.

We stop at a huge resteraunt with lights everywhere and people flooding in.

He helps me out of the car and we go through the crowd of people. When we get to the front I'm about to pass out because of how trashy these people look. They aren't even symmetrical. Kid seems to b e having the same idea.

"I have a reservation under Death, for two," he says.

The woman nods and leads us to a room in the back. When she opens the door, I'm greeted with a small table for two and candles placed symmetrically around the room. I walk inside.

"Kid, it's beautiful," I say softly.

He walks up to the table and pulls the chair out for me. I take a seat and he sits down across from me.

"I hope this wasn't any trouble," I say, still mesmerized by the scene.

"No, it wasn't," he says, "but I am glad I get to spend this evening with you Misaki."

My cheeks turn bright red and I want to just squeal and giggle. Oh my god, he is so romantic! He's amazing! Why can't every guy be like him!

The waitress brings us our appetizers and we just talk. I tell him my favorite color, food, books, everything, and he tells me everything about him. Well, I don't tell him I'm immortal.

But, every time I look at him, really look at him, I get this weird feeling. Like...I don't know. It's a feeling I've never had before.

When we finish our dinner, we get desert. He gets chocolate cake and I get strawberry cookie dough ice cream.

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