Chapter 1

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(your POV)

     Today was a very sunny day you say in your head and it was a very happy day too because it was your one year anniversary with Laxus Dreyer.  So you thought it was a great idea to surprising him at his house with a box with a mystery present inside of it. So you went to his house when you got their the door was unlocked weird.

     You were very excited to give him the gift but not scared because you were y/n l/n the strongest mage ever ( AN I know what your thinking gildarts is the stongest mage well in this story you have all the magic powers because aconologia was your dragon so you basically have all the powers except life and death.) Finally you walked into his house and walked to his room and your heart shattered when you saw Laxus and Mira both naked in bed ( AN sorry for all you MiraXus lovers I need a villain for this story.) 

      You never liked Mira but you were mature and just went along with everyone and pretended to like her also you weren't crazy enough to kill her you are not a yandere so you went out of his room and made Laxus his favorite breakfast and wrote him a note that basically said "Laxus if you wanted to date Mira you could have told me and I would have been fine and that you'll miss him also that you'll be gone for a few years and you want him to be happy.'' Then you put his food down and placed the box by the note and food put up a rune that would last until freed came then left.

                                                                       time skip to the guild  

      When you arrived at the guild everyone stopped because they were scared of you because of your powers that's why you and Laxus got along so well but the only one who isn't scared of you is Asuka and Wendy. You went to gramps office and knocked he said you can come in he said y/n is so good to see you what do you need you told him everything and that you were leaving to train and he said very well and removed your guild mark for until you come back but he said you should bring Wendy with you to help train you agreed and he called Wendy to see him she rushed to his office saying that if she's in trouble its Natsu's fault you giggled because she didn't even know whats going on. Then thats when you asked if she wanted to go train with you to get her magic stronger she thought about it and then she nodded in response.You told her to pack and tell her friends that she will be gone for a few years she ran to team Natsu and told them everything.

       Lucy came up to you and said "y/n I know everyone thinks your scary but Wendy says your not so can you just please protect Wendy when you guys are gone" your response was Lucy I give you my word that I will promise to protect Wendy from anything even if it cost me my life. She nodded and left Wendy ran up to you with Charla and she said were ready you summoned your version of Virgo your  version of Virgo name was Mary and she had long white hair and was very pretty and strong and just like Lucy you treat them like your best friends. You told Mary to pack your house up and go to your old house in your old village.

     When you got there all the villagers ran up to you and hugged you to death and they gave you your old house back and helped you move in even though you had Mary. Then Charla asked you why the villagers worshiped you told her that when you were younger the village used to be robbed and monsters were all around the village until you stood up and defended the village and banished them from village Wendy and Charla both nodded and showed them to their rooms and all that you tucked Wendy in and said good night and went to bed.

           Hi everyone I hope you enjoy and like this story if you have any request I will try to write it.                                                                                    -panda                   

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