Sibling Problems

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Okay so this is about how siblings can be a blessing😇 and a curse😈
Percy's pov As Percy walked to the Athena cabin to pick up Annabeth for their beach date he hoped that it would be Annabeth opening the door and not anyone else, especially Malcom"What are you doing here?"Malcom Annabeth's half-brother asked Percy .Percy figured that all the gods hated him right now."I am waiting for my girlfriend,why,is that a crime?""No, but why do you have to wait around here?" "Because as Annabeth's boyfriend I have to wait for her, and this is her cabin, and also can I go in to get her?""NO, YOU MAY NOT BECAUSE THE LAST TIME YOU WENT IN THERE YOU AND ANNABETH STARTED MAKING OUT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!!!!""Hey it was you're sister who kissed me, I am not the only to blame.""YOU TURNED MY SISTER INTO A GIRL WHO COMPLETELY FORGETS ABOUT HER WORK TO GO AND DO SOME THINGS I AM NOT GOING TO EXPLAIN!!!!" "HEY I DIDN'T DO THAT TO YOU'RE SISTER AND WE DON'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!!CAN I GO AND GET HER NOW?"NO YOU MAY NOT!!" " Oh well....OMG is that A burning blueprint!" " Ha ha, yeah like I am going to fall for that." "No, for real dude turn around." As Malcom turned around he saw that there really was a burning blueprint. And as Malcom raced to put it out percy raced inside and slammed right into Annabeth." Ow, Seaweed Brain what was that!?!?" "Sorry I was trying to get in here before Malcom got to me." "Well are you ready to go?" "Yes I am." "But before we go......."Annabeth kissed him. It was sweet and lasted for a couple of minutes before a lot of coughs were heard. The couple broke apart and blushed. Just then Percy noticed Malcom standing there and Malcom screamed at Percy " I TOLD YOU THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS WHEN YOU COME IN HERE, GET OFF OF HER!!!" Percy quickly got off of Annabeth and helped her up."Malcom, why are you screaming at Percy?" "Because he thinks I made you a girl who never focuses and has a dirty mind." "Malcom why would you think that." "Because all you do now is go off with HIM and make out!" At that point all the Athena cabin was nodding and muttering different things "I love my boyfriend and love being with him so either you'll all have to find a way to suck it up and deal with it because if I ever had to break up with him, I would be broken." "So if that is the end, and it definitely is, then we will be going now,come on Percy."
Annabeth's pov
Down at the beach Annabeth wanted to say something about her siblings behavior. "Hey percy, I am really sorry for the way they acted back there, I just wish the whole camp didn't have so many dirty thoughts about us." " Let them think want they want. Percy said calmly to Annabeth "WHAT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME, THAT JUNK COULD RUIN OUR CHANCE OF MY MOTHER LIKING YOU, DO YOU WANT MY MOTHER TO KILL YOU FOR ALL OF THE RUMORS SPEAKING ABOUT US?!?!?!?!?!" "What I mean is to me it doesn't matter if people thought you were ugly and didn't want me to date you because it might ruin my image in the world of Olympus, because I love you." Oh my gods. He just said that he loved me. Then he kissed me. As we pulled apart I said "I love you too." Then we heard some sounds and turned around to see the whole camp like our first kiss. "We needed you and percy and Malcom said you guys would be down here." "Uhhh why do you have to ruin everything you guys I mean can't we have a sweet moment without being interrupted!!!" " No now get you're butts to the big house." "Fine, ugh it is always my siblings who ruin everthing isn't it?" "No, because we finally said I love you to each other." And with that, the rest of the day I had a smile upon my face.
So how did you like it, just comment if you want me to continue. Also I know from my own experience that I don't like authors notes to much you can expect to barely ever see them in my story and I will probably update every week maybe every two weeks.

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