Kayla Parks

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Kayla pov
Hi. My name is kayla parks. I go to Goode high in New York. It is the end of the school year and I am way more than positive that my big time crush is going to ask me out. If it isn't obvious who my crush is because you're new then my crush is the most HOTTEST guys ever seen. His name is Percy Jackson. He has raven black hair and beautiful sea green eyes. He says he has a girlfriend, but everyone knows it is just to make all the girls stop chasing him. He is so obviously in love with me. He even said that the girl he loves has beautiful curly blonde hair and I have curly blonde hair, we'll it's dyed and I use a curling iron,but same difference. And also stormy gray eyes and I also have that, we'll I wear contacts but he doesn't know that. And he said she has a beautiful tan, I have that. Okay I might be a spray tan.

Today has to be the day he is going to ask me out because it's the last day of school. I was coming out of my room when I saw my little Sister Willow watching Lilo and Stitch. "Ugh. You're such a child Willow." "You idiot, I am a child. I'm 12 not 16 like you." "Mom did you here what she called me!?!?" "Yes. Willow dear that is not very nice." "Yeah so. I'm not here to be nice to her, if she wants me to be nice then she should be nice to me." "She has a point kayla." "Fine I am going to school."
"Bye Kayla" I didn't say bye. If you haven't noticed yet, I don't really like my sister.

At school I was with my friends who are so not pretty enough to be my friend, but they'll have to do as my friends for now. "Hey kayla percy's coming over here!" "Quick how do I look." "Perfect like always." "Um....excuse me?" "Oh hi percy." "Hi.....Kayla, I have a question for you." This is it he's going to ask me out! "And what would that be?" "Will....you move a little because you're kinda blocking my locker?" Really that is his question!!!!! "Oh, sure." "Thanks." I started walking away with my friends following me. "Kayla I am so sure that he just chickend out, because be near you is to much for him to handle because of how beautiful you are." "Yeah.you're right he's probably gonna do it later."
Skip to the end of the day
So percy hasn't asked me out yet,but he has to now it's the end of the school day. As I was walking out of the school I saw the most horrible thing EVER. Percy was kissing another girl, or she jumped on him and he is to surprised to react. Yeah that's it. So I did any natural girl would do in this situation. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND." Is what I screamed as I pulled her off of him and slapped that blonde haired freak. "Excuse me what are you talking about, he is my boyfriend, unless he has something to say." " Nope nothing." I can't believe percy said that, we are meant to be." Yeah that's what I thought, and eve. If he was cheating on me then he would choose someone better than you." "Are you going to let her talk to me like that percy?" "Yes, bye!" Then they left. I did what only anybody would do, screamed on top of my lungs. "Ugh, I can't believe him what the heck am I supposed to do now. Ohhhhhh I just saw a really cute boy. Bye now, gotta snag him while I can.
So what did you think. Please be positive thank you.☺☺☺💖💖💖

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