chapter 6 (long time no see)

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¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Hi guys this is a new chapter I have a new character her Wattpad name is @takorria she Is a nice person so I put her in well other than that leggo ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

Michaela's pov

I woke up the next morning and Niall was staring at me jeesh...i know I'm ugly in the morning but gosh.

I got up and went over to Niall's side of the bed and kissed his cheek and I turned around to go to the bathroom but he grabbed me by my waist and started kissing me all over my face I giggled and he said

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning my sexy irish beast" I said giggling at the name I gave him.

He laughed and got out of bed and he looked at me with the look I knew exactly what it was.I ran towards the bathroom door I ran in and saw I wasn't the first one it was a shirtless Liam in it.

"Omg im so sorry Liam " I said as I walked out and closed the door

I heard Liam laugh and say it's alright. I walked to the other bathroom and of course Niall was in there.

"Niall hurry up!" I yelled

"Nope I got here first you chose to go to the bathroom Liam was in" he said laughing.

"Ohhh shut up Niall."I said laughing

"But I wouldn't mind if you came in here with me it's kind of lonely" he says with a sad voice.

"Niall it's no way I'm coming in there while your naked." I said

"Ohh so you can't resist my irish charm can you"he said

"Nope I'm scared I might go blind " I said as I turned to walk away but Niall grabbed me and took me in the bathroom with him I closed my eyes and he said

"Love I'm not naked I just want see your beautiful eyes open them please"

I slowly opened them up to see a shirtless Niall what the heck he just lied to me...well not exactly but he started leaning in to me for a kiss I got closer to him . I felt him put his hands around my waist and pick me up I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist he carried me to the shower and put me in and started kissing me again.

"I've always wanted a kiss in the rain but this is as close as I could get." He said and I laughed and I got out and let him shower I was soaking wet as I walked down the hallway I finally got to our room and started finding more clothes something tells me this is going to be a long day.

Harry's pov

I woke up thinking about what I did to Michaela yesterday I do have a friend that I met ,her name is Ashly she is a wonderful girl I like her and all but I don't know if I'm going to love her like I love michaela I don't want to break Ashly's heart but I guess I'll arrange a date with her later on but right now I need to apologise to michaela .

I walked down the hallway I was about to knock on the door to Niall's room but I heard michaela singing I Want.

"Give you this give you that blow a kiss take it back if I look inside your brain I would find lots of things clothes,shoes,diamond rings stuff that's driving me insane -"she sang

I just stood there smiling and I finally knocked and she opened the door her hair was wet and I smiled at her she just stood there with a blank expression and finally said "what's wrong Harry?"

"Well I wanted to say sorry about yesterday.....if it makes you feel better I found another girl her name is Ashly "I said smiling at her.

"Aww that's nice Harry and by the way is her name Ashly Young?"

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