Chapter 12: Where There's Life There's Hope

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"We've been working hard non-stop, DJ. I think we can take a day to rest," Laken says, almost pleading with her best friend.

    "We can't let our guard down, that's how we get weak, and then accidents happen. Do you even know how lucky we are to not have lost someone yet?" DJ says, pacing the wall of the front gate.

    "Please don't say 'yet' like that. We aren't going to lose anyone," Laken says, suppressing a shiver. The thought of losing somebody made her stomach churn

    "We've built up the walls as much as we can, the entire perimeter is secure. Look, there's a stream to the east; it's still in the fence. Let's take a day to relax a little. Have a cookout, like old times," Laken says, nudging her friend's shoulder.

    "You really want to waste rations on having a party? Come on, Laken," DJ retorts, rolling her eyes.

    "We could go swimming, and maybe actually get to know the people that we're stuck in here with. I mean seriously, how many words have you even spoken to Talon since he got here?" Laken asks, throwing a glance over her shoulder in search of the boy.

    "At least 5," DJ spits sarcastically.

    "Don't you want to hear a conversation that doesn't involve guns, or lurkers, or rations? Wouldn't that be nice?" Laken asks, now fully begging her friend.

    "Yeah, I guess," DJ mutters, lowering the rifle from her shoulder.

    "Besides, you'd get to see Tripp shirtless," Laken adds, grinning.

    "Shut up." DJ rolls her eyes dramatically.

    "Come on, it'll be fun. I promise," Laken says, grabbing DJ's arm and pulling her away from the guard station.

    DJ heaves a sigh, but allows Laken to lead her away from the gates. 'I mean, one day of leisure can't be that bad,' she reasons with herself, trying to get over her paranoia. But, paranoia is what has kept them alive thus far. DJ shakes her head, throwing the rifle strap over her shoulder.

    They come upon Hampton and Faith doing a count on their ammo stock, sitting at a table that is erected in front of the tiger cage. Hampton rattles a box of handgun bullets, frowning when he hears the little noise come from it. Faith is checking the rifle ammo, and has a bit more luck than Hampton; there is much more rifle ammo than anything else. When the pair hears DJ and Laken's approach, them stop what they're doing and look up.

    "Hey guys," says Hampton. "What's up? Want me to take over watch?"

    Laken shakes her head. "Nope. Something better," she replies, struggling to suppress the grin on her face. She is far too excited at the thought of have a cookout.

    "What, then?" Hampton asks.

    "We're gonna have a cookout!" Laken exclaims, throwing her hands up. Faith immediately gets up, almost bouncing up and down.

    "Really!?" the redhead gasps. "Like, with a campfire and food and fun and everything!?"

    "Yep, that's right," DJ answers. "Everybody can come, too!"

    Hampton smiles slightly, standing up. "It's about damn time," he laughs. DJ smiles too, still feeling a bit unsure about nobody being on guard. She hopes that her feeling fades so that she can have a good time.

    "Come on! Let's go get the others!" Laken laughs, turning down one of the dirt paths, the one that leads to the abandoned bison enclosures, whose inhabitants have long since been made into jerky.

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