Chapter 29: Can of Worms

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The next day, Faith has returned from her quick adventure, alive and well, without any blood on her golfclub. Hampton is beyond glad, and will not let Faith out of sight. As he reclines at the desk, absentmindedly pressing keys on a long-dead keyboard, Vealy beckons him outside.

"Hey Hamp, let me talk to you for a minute," Vealy says. Hampton raises his eyebrows as he rises to follow Vealy, who shuts the door to their camp behind them.

"It's Hampton," the boy retorts from where he sits on the steps. 'Who is this stranger to think he has any right to call me that? Only my friends can call me that,' he thinks angrily.

Vealy raises his arms in surrender, "Sorry, I've just heard Faith call you that." There is a pause as Vealy sits down beside the younger boy. "Hampton, let me talk to you for a minute," Vealy repeats, correcting his address. Hampton shrugs to show he's listening.

"You know the RV park, right? Well, I had an idea. Council doesn't know it's there, but eventually they will. And leaving all those supplies there is just asking for them to get stolen right from under us. I say we make a few trips to go get everything that is useful and bring it back here, that way it will be protected and accounted for," Vealy explains.

"What about your RV? What about the other ones, do they run?" Hampton asks, tapping his bat on the wooden steps as he thinks.

"Mine does, I don't know about the other ones. We can always siphon gas from the others to put into mine. Why? Are you planning on going somewhere?" Vealy raises an eyebrow.

"No, no. Not yet. I just don't like the current situation where the Council has the bus and we're left stranded if something bad were to happen again."

"I agree. Why don't we make a plan and in a few days go clear out the RV park and see what we can find? Maybe a few other vehicles work too, plus RV drivers prepare like crazy. Trust me, I would know. I bet there's tons of treasures in there," Vealy reasons. Hampton nods his head.

"This is a good plan. Alright, so me, you, and Talon will go," Hampton says.

"And leave Faith and Owen here? Is that a good idea?" Vealy questions.

"You're right," sighs the younger boy, "but we need Talon's strength to help move stuff."

"Why don't we all go?" Vealy suggests.

"I don't like having Faith out there. And Owen makes me nervous, he's just too unpredictable outside camp." Hampton shakes his head. "Besides, we'd be leaving this place unguarded."

"We'll all be there. I can keep an eye on both of them, you and Talon will do the same. If they don't come with us I know you'll worry the whole time." Vealy says. "The only person who knows we're here is DJ. And she can wait outside; she'd be fine."

"Alright fine, we'll all go." Hampton huffs, ignoring Vealy's mention of DJ. "And stop acting like you know me. You don't."

"Let's just tell the others before I change my mind about sticking with you kids," Vealy retorts. Vealy rises before Hampton, and holds the door open for him. Hampton brushes past him, mumbling a "shut up" as he enters. Owen and Talon are currently arm wrestling, but it obviously isn't a fair contest.

"C'mon, Talon. Really?" Owen groans as he struggles against Talon's upright arm. The difference in their facial expressions is comical; Talon is grinning casually, and Owen's face is twisted in a vain attempt at overpowering his.

"You're the one who wanted to try," Talon reminds him, feigning a yawn. Owen is incited by this, and renews his effort to move Talon's thick, strong forearm. Faith is watching the spectacle, smiling softly and letting out an occasional giggle.

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