Chapter 6

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Your point of view

I am crying. I have been at the tree I don't know for how long. He is gone. He left. Why is this so painful to me? I have been so dedicated to my job that I have left myself. But after all I have to just keep going.
I clip down from the tree. I go to find the road, I still don't know where I am. My phone has no signal. Great.
After I find the road, I try to find someone to get me to the city. I have been waiting for someone to pass for hours it is start to get dark. No, that is no good.
The only thing I see next to me are trees. And then out of the blue it starts to rain.
"Oh how wonderful!!" I shout to myself.
As I turn around I see lights. Yes a car. I start waving my hands like a crazy person as I go in the middle of the road. The car stops.
"Are you crazy??!" the driver screams at me.
" I need someone to get me to the city please. My car isn't working and I am left here alone." I lie to her. She is not alone in the car. I can see two people at the back.
She stares at me from head to toe. I can see that she has her doubts.
"Ok, get in" she finally says. I smile at her.
"Thank you so much" I bow at her from outside and I sit in the front next to her.
I see that at the back are sitting to kids, a boy and a girl.
"Mom, he pulled my hair!!" the girl shouts at the woman behind the wheel.
"Jay, live your sister alone." the mother says to the boy.
The boy is about to say something but he shuts his mouth after he sees me staring at him.
"So how did you get in that situation" the woman says looking at me. I smile, I make my smile friendly and warm. I have learn all this years how to manipulate my smile. But at him I smiled... I gave him my real smile I couldn't control it.
"I was at my grandparents and when I was coming back my car stared to smoke. I stopped and I tried to call for help but no signal.
And to be honest you were the first person that stopped. No others stopped for me. And thank you for that. I am really grateful. When we arrive at the city leave me were ever you want. I will get help then. Also can pay you." I say to her and I keep smiling at her.
"Oh no sweetie it is ok, you don't have to pay me. I am glad I could help." she says as she keeps driving. The rain hadn't stopped yet.
After that, there was silence. The hole trip was quite. Even the kids didn't speak.
"Is your hair-color real?" the girl asks me suddenly from behind. I turn around.
"No it is no real. But I always liked to have that hair-color." I smile at her. She sighs.
"I also want to have that hair. It is really pretty but mommy didn't allow me." she says while she looks down.
"Look, your mother says that because she doesn't want you to lost your beautiful drown hair. Also it hurts and it damages your hair. But you want healthy hair that will leave for years. You will make it into braids and ponytails with your mother." I say to her.
That is one of my dreams. My mother. I wish she was still alive and help me make my hair into pretty braid as she used to. After her death everything when wrong. My dad even tried to hit me once but thank god my grandmother was there. She indeed helped me a lot but she also died a year after my mother's death.
I try to keep my tears in. I has been a long time since the last time I thought of her. She was so pretty like an angel. I look out of the window. I hope mom you are watching over me from up there. I see that the woman is smiling. She didn't saw my watery eyes.
When we finally get to the city, I tell her to leave me next to a bus stop. From there I can go to my house. I think I will find my way. As I grad my bag to leave she grads my hand.
"What is your name sweetie?" she asks me.
"Lily" I respond to her.
"Then have a good life Lily, you look like a really good and sensitive girl. Your mother should be really proud of you. The guy that you will marry is going to be the luckiest guy in the world. Trust me, my girl." she smiles at me for the last time.
She left before I could say anything at all. I start crying. Tears coming from my eyes. I cry in silence as I wait for the bus. I think that my eye caught something into the rain something pink. No it must be my imagination or even my own hair.

Namjoon's point of view

I slam the door behind me. I can believe what happened. She has everything. Our phones can link to situation that can't be found. I lay at my bed. I hear someone opening the door.
"Now what?" says Suga hyung as he takes a sit next to the bed.
"It was your idea" I say to him.
"Indeed. What is going on with you?" he asks me.
"What do you mean, hyung?" I say to him as I sit up on the bed.
"The way you looked at her. Only one time you did that before. You know that noona that used to do our hair. Even the walls could see that you liked her." he continuous.
Anitta. I remember her. She was one of our hairstylists when we started. I still don't understand way she left.
"No it is not like that. I just ... you know I just....."
"Keep staring like she was a piece of candy?" he says
"Hey!!" I yell at him.
"Look Namjoon she is indeed hot but focus. This is serious." he tells me seriously.
I run my hand through my hair.
"No hyung I mean it I don't like her. I mean she is creepy, right?" I say to him.
"Are you trying to convince your self that she is creepy?" he responds.
" It was a rhetorical question." I finally say to him.
"Ok then I am going out and I let the leader of the group to find a solution as he always does." he says as he leaves the room.
Me, always me. I have to find a solution because I am the leader. I lay back to my bed. As I close my eyes her smile comes to my mind. The eye-smile that makes her eyes disappear. Her stare through my eyes, it was like she was reading me. Her hand. Her hand was shaking. Something is wrong here. I stand up and I get out of the room. Everyone stares at me.
"What is wrong hyung?" Jimin says to me. I see Jungkook helping Tae to get his mind back on. It was indeed a big shock.
"I go to get some fresh air to think." I finally said. Suga looks at me. To be honest I don't know where I am going.
As I go out I see that it is raining. I forgot to take an umbrella with me. I wear my hood and I start walking.
Cars keep passing without noting me. There aren't so many people on the streets. It has been a long time since no one recognized me on the street. I feel kind of relieved. It is hard for me to see in the rain. I start getting really wet. I can feel that my sneakers are soaked and that the water getting is getting through my hoody onto my hair. I decide to take my hoody off. Drips of water start coming from my hair onto my clothes. I don't know for how long I have been walking. I have passed many people, families and friends. Then I spot at a station someone with bright pink hair. It was like a light in the rain.

Your point of view.

The bus finally came. I got in. The seats were already taken. I stand by the door and wait to get home. I checked my phone. I had a new message from Kevin. He said he was going to the detective for the other files of EXO and he will send then to me when he is done. I send him ok. I have to fix the files for the Owl. We have a meeting and I need to be ready. I look inside my bag. The phones of the boys are still there. I sigh. What I am going to do with those.
As I get down to my stop, I have the same feeling of someone watching me. When I turn around I see someone paying a taxi. He has something pink in his head. It is a hat, his own hair. I can't tell.
He starts approaching me. Oh no today. Today I am not in the mood for thiefs. I put my hand in my bag. I hold the gun in my bag and wait for him. He keeps coming towards me. And then....
"Namjoon?" I say in surprise. " Are you insane what are you don't here?!!?"

Namjoon's point of view

I don't know what hit me. I couldn't lose that light. I follow it. I had to get out of this nightmare I need an escape. I had to clear my head first before thinking and that was a great distraction. The light got down from the bus and I did too. I start approaching it.
"Namjoon? Are you insane what are you don't here?!!?" the pink sasaeng said with fear in her eyes. I woke up immediately when I saw her face clearly.
She was looking around for something I don't know exactly.
"I thought you were someone else" I told her but to be honest I wanted to be her. Deep down I wanted to be her. And I remember what happened. I grad her by her neck and start lifting her.
"Grh..." is the only think she can say. She places her hands around my hand that is holding her neck. Two of her fingers touch the skin on my wrist. I shiver at her touch. I make my touch a little more gently. Her bag falls from her shoulder to her arm. I try to grad it but she starts fighting back.

Your point of you

His full hand is covering my next. I can feel his fingers digging the back of my neck. His touch is different and gives me a weird feeling in my stomach.
He is about to grad my bag but I resist. I didn't notice that he was watching my every move.
"THAT IS MINE!!!" he screams. I dig my nails into his skins. I can feel that I have cut his flesh. He immediately leaves me as he screams in pain.
I start running towards my house. And then I see it. In front of my house there were two black cars. These are definitely Lu's. I stop and I hide behind a white car. I see her coming down the stairs.
"They are not here. Where is help when you need it? She doesn't answer her phone!! I will talk to her tomorrow we have a meeting." she says at the phone to someone else, but who?
I check my phone and I realize is dripping water and the screen is black. Oh great I need a new phone now. After that I turn and I see in front of me someone running. Oh shit Namjoon!!!
No no no no!!!! He can't be seen !!
As he gets closer his face and hair are getting more recognized through the rain. I have to do something quickly. Lu is still outside and talking to her phone, she will notice him.
Maybe I the movies it works right, I even try it with Kevin? Or am I trying to find an excuse? Oh fuck it I don't have anything else right now and I need to act quick.
I leave my bag under the car and I put on my hair, the scarf that is hanging from my back, to make a bun. It covers the majority of my hair. I stand up and run towards him before he comes closer to me.

I put my hand at the back of his head , I grad his hair and I place my lips on his.....

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