Chapter 16

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Lily's point of view

The bodyguard that was pointing his gun at Jungkook is now laying down with eyes wide open. Blood was cover the white floor. A second shot hits Lu at her left shoulder. She screams but her bodyguards run to her taking her away from the scene.
And then the chaos starts. My hands are free so the first thing I do is run towards Jungkook. I take off the hand-cups and the ducktape.
"Are you ok?" I ask him with my eyes searching every part of him. He just nods.
The FBI is here running everywhere and trying to arrest as many people as it can. I see Kevin approaching me.
"Take him from here and RUN!" his eyes seem really concern.
I help Jungkook stand with one of my hands. The other one holds the gun Kevin gave me.
I start passing people while holding Jungkook. He couldn't run. He was slow and he could barely breath properly. After I finally found the exit, I make Jungkook to sit down for a minute so I can check the exit. But when I turn around I see a bodyguard wearing a white shirt with blood covering some parts. I am ready to fight. But....
... His shirt is so white that even snow would be jealous....His clothes start to have red marks like they are bleeding....
"NAMJOON!" I scream and then I see that he turns to me. He starts running towards me. He takes his mask and glasses off and his sad face appears as his pink hair falls at his forehead. And then he does something I wasn't expecting at all. He cups my face and kisses me. I let my hands down and the sleeves of his sweater cover them. The kiss was slow and soft and when he takes his lips from mine I look at him in the eyes. They seem sad and full of regret.
"We have to leave I heard someone coming." Jungkook stands and turns at the corner.
"RapMon Hyung? What are you doing here?" he continues with surprise at his voice.
"I... I ....I came here to save you." Namjoon looks at me.
"Let's leave" I finally say.
Namjoon holds Jungkook while walking. When we are finally out I raise my hands at the FBI that was outside the place.
"Agent Lily-" I start to say but someone interrupts me
"Oh my God Lily are you ok?" I see a friend of my Thomas. The last time I saw him was a year ago.
"Open for then!!" he orders to the others.
"Are you ok? It is over now"
"But don't look at me now look at those three" I say to him. Namjoon had blood all over him. Thomas nods. Thomas doesn't speak korean but with Namjoon he will be ok.
I look at Namjoon as he gets treatment. He looks back and he smiles at me.

Ten years later....

I was washing the dishes. That boy always put is messing around with his found and now there is ketchup allover it. When I finish I go outside at the rooftop. I untie my now black hair and let my dark curls fall at my back.
I finally arrive at rooftop and I see them.
Namjoon was holding Ella and making her fly all around. I cross my arms. The smile at his face is still taking my breath away. I can hear Ella laughing.
"Mummy!" she shouts and gets of her dads arms and comes running to me with her butterfly costume. I give her a big long hug. When I let her go I notice that her chick has a small mark.
"Ella, where did you hit again?" I say to her with a funny tone.
"It is daddy's fault." she points at Namjoon.
"Aha, you traitor!" he says and starts following her. I start laughing with this scene and all of a sudden Namjoon is back-hugging me. He puts his head between my shoulder and head.
I see Ella looking at us and then she hugs my waist.
These are the best memories I will ever have.

Namjoon did find out about the letter but even before that he confessed to me.
It has been two years that he is back from the military
He is still with.
After these three crazy days he never felt my side because he loves me.
And he also knows that I love him.

I love you, Kim Namjoon~


So let me start from the beginning.
The past two and a half months were really hard for me. I broke up and also i cracked in tears at a Kpop Party here in Greece.
I was under a lot of pressure and the fact the my own mother doesn't accept the music that i listen to made the situation even worse. I have done a lot of things for Kpop that my mother doesn't know, like going to parties in another city without her knowing ( i am 19-years-old). Travelling tired. And all that so i can enjoy the music that i love. At the last party i felt so guilt for all the lies and the situation with my boyfriend wasn't that good. It was my fault all of it.
This past month i haven't been more lonely and sad. I was just laying at the bed doing nothing.
But to be honest the comeback of BTS helped me a lot.

I know some of you want me to continue this fanfiction but i wasn't even going to take it that long at the first place. I am really sorry for the grammar problems.

The reason i am telling you guys this is because i feel like i own an apology and thank for reading this fanfiction.
I am planing in the future to write another fanfiction about Namjoon because he is my Ultimate and he gives me hope. I am still not at my best mood but i did some changes in my life to make it better.
Thank you guys for your support and keep calm BECAUSE WINGS IS OUT AND WEEKLY IDOL WITH BTS IS NEAR.

I love you guys. See you hopeful at my next Rap Monster "book" (it even might relate to that one who knows)


The Fake Sasaeng  ~ RM Fanfiction ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang