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The fact That demon was about to kill Bon made me pull out my sword and attack him. He dropped Bon and teleported behind me. As I turn around I see him trying to grab me so I pin him to the wall kicking him. He teleported away and as he did he said "(YN) stop fighting for these humans and half demon. They are pathetic and weak. Just accept the favorite that you are a royal demon." "I AM NOT AND NEVER WILL BE A DEMON LET ALONE A ROYAL ONE." I yelled at the top of my lungs for every one to here. I need a walk today is a nightmare.
I was three years old and at home walking and talking as if I was royalty when I heard my dad and brothers talking. "I Love my little sister I don't want to give her up." It sounded like yokio "deal with it she's a pain an ways there's no point in keeping her." Rin why. "I'm sorry yokio but it's the best thing for her we can't do anything about it there just isn't enough food." With my dad saying that I walked in my curiosity getting the best of me. "Daddy yoki win what's going on." I couldn't pronounce my rs so I always called Rin win. "See she's a pain. She can't even get my name right." The minuet Rin said that I gave him a cute little death stare and said. "Win youw so mean you suck." I stuck my tongue out at him mad. Rin sucks why is he so dumb "Win youw dumb I bet you awn't even my weal bwother like yoki cause he's smawt like me." I smile and hugged yuki with all my might. "(YN) don't choke me" yoki said with a huge smile. "Kids go to the living room if you're going to argue." We did as daddy said even though dumb fat Rin disagreed. Me and Rin where wrestling on the ground while yoki tried to break us up when we herd an explosion from the kitchen. We ran in worried and daddy was fighting off a demon. "Daddy what is that." "It's a demon (YN) Now get out of here."
------------------flashback end---------------
Well at least if Rin asks why I hate him so much u can remind him of that. I was walking past a alley way when I herd crying. I followed the sound my curiosity getting the best of me and came up on a boy yoki's age and placed a hand on his back. He looked up at me and smirked. "Well well look what kind hearted girl fell for the trap." He said that and I was instantly pinned down by two other boys both smiling at me acting evil. "Now let's strip her off her clothes." They started ripping off my shirt destroying it when all of the sudden I see green flames and black out.
-----------------YUKIO'S P.O.V.----------------
We where trying to hunt (YN) down after she ran off when we see green flames in the sky (YN) why aren't you calm your used to hiding your feelings around demons so what happened. We ran their as fast as we could and saw some guys running scared saying a girl burst into green flames. We walked down the alley way and see (YN) laying on the ground with her shirt all torn up. Bon walks over to her and it looks like he's crying a bit which is a first. He picked her up and Rin being his over protective self started gripping at Bon about leaving our little sister alone and he was arguing back about how we abandoned her and left her to die. Out of no where that tall demon guy came back to take (YN) but first he simply said "so my sister's powers are finally awakening." I would have attacked him but I didn't want to wake (YN). I just left him alone and took her back to the dorm.

Sorry it took so long to write this my dad's a butt Word count: 691

Three siblings Two demons (blue exorcist reader insert)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon