Chapter one: School.

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  Matthew's Violet eyes fluttered open with his alarm clock screaming for him to awake. He lifted his arm from underneath the warm cotton covers hitting the snooze button gently on the old alarm clock. He groaned softly sitting up, lifting his arms up with a stretch and a sigh from the feeling of his muscles relaxing afterwords. He lifted the covers completely off of his warm body, flipping his legs over the edge of his queen-sized bed. Grabbing his glasses off of the dark oak wood table he slipped them on, gently pushing himself off of the bed landing on the cold floor with a small 'Creek!'. He walked to his drawers picking out his suit for the first day of Junior years! He brought them with him to the bathroom inside of his bedroom, getting into the shower he turning the water on, while waiting for it to warm up slightly he set the clothes, and his glasses on the countertop, slipping his own clothes off he got into the warm water with the small drops hitting his skin sending shivers of refreshment through his body.

 Matthew dried himself off slipping on a fresh pair of maple-leaf boxer briefs, a white under shirt, navy blue skinny jeans, and a red maple-lead hoodie. Slipping his glasses back over his nose, pushing them to land on the bridge of his nose to properly allow him to see instead of colorful blurs. Matthew quickly combed through his dirty blond/orange hair carefully going around his odd curl. He sighed a happy sigh cleaning up his mess and throwing his clothes/towel in the laundry basket by the bathroom door. 

"Time t-to make some pancakes... T-then head off to.. School." He sighed a bit sadly at the thought of school, it wasn't his thing. Mostly because it was hard to make friends, plus he was never noticed how was he suppose to make friends for projects? Or answer the questions teacher gave the students on the board? He sighed once more heading to his kitchen.  

Matthew turned his stove on to medium heat. Putting a pan gently onto the burning with butter. He walked to the pantry taking out the ingredients for his pancakes. Pouring the batter into a large pixing bowl he also through in, two eggs and milk. Pouring the batter on the now melted butter into a perfect cercle. Turning the heat down a tad hr walked to his school bag packing up his books, pencils, papers, ect. Running back to the stove he flipped the golden, cripst pancake letting the other side cook, he qietly hummed a tune as he stood waiting for his pancakes.

~~~*Time Skip*~~~

 Matthew finished washing his dishes from the delicious pancakes he had recently made himself, checking the time he quickly grabbed his bag, he ran up to his sleeping bear Kumajirou kissing his lightly on the head before running out, quickly closing his front door and locking it, heading for the bus stop. Matthew walked onto the sidewalk, he had to wait at the corner with a few other teens, while walking nobody talked, or even looked at him. Seeing that he was... "Invisible.." Matthew muttered standing standings bit farther from the noisy group of kids. He hugged his bag, wishing for the same warmth Kumajirou would usually provide for him. It wasn't all that bad for Matthew though, the other kids were freezing and complaining but for Matthew, he was born for the cold, if he wanted to he could sleep outside in the snowy weather. Not only did he not mind the cold but he loved the white snow painted scenery it provided. Covering everything in a cold, white blanket. Matthew sighed happily seeing the bus come into view.

  Matthew hummed as he waited for the extremely loud teens to board the bus, before he could even get on the bus doors closed on him, starting back up and driving away from him. He watched as the bus left for the school. Matthew sighed in a sad manner squeezing his bag strap as he started on his way to school. It wasn't that Matthew didn't mind walking it's that barely anyone sees him.. Matthew didn't mind it though, he still had a few friends, only a few didn't forget him. But Francis cared about Matthew the most, he stood out as a Father figure to Matthew. The perverted French man has tried to talk Matthew into "Doing the do" with Matthew multiple times but Matthew HAD to say no. It didn't feel right, it felt wrong, like I said he was like a father figure.. Nothing else.

 Matthew peeled his eyes from the snow covered ground to the school coming into sight, he clenched his sleeves that hung over his finger tips and sped up his walking, "Maybe he could meet up with Francis and the others?" Matthew thought out loud, running through the school doors, he looked up at the wall clock seeing that he was almost late. He took a deep breath walking to the office where he got his schedule and locket number.Matthew jogged trying to find his locker number, once he found it he put in his combination, slipping his bag in. Matthew took a moment to read his schedule. He had math first. Matthew grabbed his math books, and supplies out of his red maple leaf themed bag. Before he could close his locker the bell rang, making the Canadians ears ring. He quickly shut and locked his locker keeping a tight hold on his books as he made a run for class, not paying attention Matthew accidentally tripped on something or someone falling face first with his books and supplies scattering in front of him. Groaned Canada rubbed his head quickly looking behind him as he heard a small, high pitched itialian accent apalogizing to him from hurting him, Matthew spoke softly saying;

 "Hey, it's alright eh? No need to worry aboot it." The Italian smiled thanking him before grabbing his stuff to meet up with a tall, blond German male at the end of the hall heading for their class when Matthew was going to be late picking up his supplies.  

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