Chapter Two.

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*-Matthew's Pov-*

I fidgeted in my seat uncomfortably, staring down at my Science due tang. Alfred was a huge help in math sense they're teaching completely different subjects then they do back in Canada. Sadly for me, Alfred wasn't in my Science class so I couldn't exactly.. Understand it properly. 'Maybe I could go to the washroom and read? Its better than this..' Or maybe just sit and do nothing...'  With a sigh, I went with the first choice. I didn't need to ask sense the teacher didn't even know I was there in the first place. I got up lazily dragging my white and red High Tops across the polished marble floor. 

I opened the slightly already-opened door a tad wider for my slim body to slip through, walking down the navy blue, and yellow decorated hall of lockers I eventually made it to my locker. Turning the combination into my lock, the navy blue locker opened with a small 'Squeak!' . Opening my locker I slipped my hand into my backpack grabbing out my Harry Potter chapter book. Closing my locker once more, and turning the spinner on the lock to make sure it was locked, I scurried to the boys restroom. 

As dirty as it was I slipped myself into a stall setting my sweater onto the sand filled marble flooring. Gently bending over I sat myself on the red-maple-leaf sweater resting my back against the stall door. I flipped the thin papers to the number of the page the bookmark was currently resting on. Grabbing some of my blondish orange hair I softly flipped it behind my ear, keeping it from falling into my sun-kissed face. Focusing on the book I began on the words. My violet eyes swiftly reading the black ink written onto the think white page of paper, continuously reading the words I let my mind drift off into its 'Imagination land'. The words turned into pictures, the pictures turned into moving scenes in my mind letting me get ahold of the situation. 

*-Sorry that its short, writers block still..-*

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