Chapter 28 - [Keroshan]

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I didn’t care about the fact that I was extremely tired. That was actually the least of my worries. What I was worried about was the fact that the night was ending.

      I needed to hurry. I can’t wait another month.

      The crescent moon shone down and I could feel the rush that its light gave me. It was enough to keep me running. More than enough.

      I wondered, at that moment, what my father was doing. He would be at his strongest right now too.

      But I pushed that thought away, I didn’t want to think of him as strong.

      The scent of the pixie told me that I was getting closer, and soon, I was able to see the sparkling lights as the group of pixies danced together.

      “Mina!” I yelled as I came to a stop.

      The tiny pixie, who was wearing a purple, knee length dress, turned around and a grin formed on her face. ‘Keroshan! Oh what a pleasant surprise! I have wonderful news for you!’

      I snorted. Wonderful, huh?

      ‘Your father—’

      “I know.” I said, cutting her off. “And I need your help finding him.”

      Mina hesitated, pulled her long black hair over her shoulder and began to braid it.

      “What?” I asked.

      ‘I spoke with Master Aarvind…’

      Anger began to boil up inside me. So he was here.

      ‘And he told me not to tell you where he was… I promised and a pixie cannot break her promise.’

      My hands balled up into fists. “Why?” I growled. “Why did he tell you—”

      ‘I do not know. But he was so very kind, as always. Do not be mad—’

      “You are in no position to tell me what to do!” I yelled.

      Mina flew backward, as if my words had hit her, clearly I had hurt her.

      And I immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry.” I said as I held my hand out. “I’m just… I need to find him.”

      She hesitated. ‘Maybe Keroshan can ask Mina another question?’ She suggested as she flew back towards me and sat on my palm.

      I thought about that, and then smiled. “You are one smart pixie.”

      Her grin covered half of her tiny face. I had obviously made her happy again. ‘Ask! Ask!’ She said as she jumped up and fluttered around. ‘And Mina will answer!’

      I thought for a moment. There was only really one other way to find him. “Tell me where Darius is.”

      ‘Darius?’ She asked. ‘Darius who?’

      I hesitated. “I don’t know… he can read minds though… that’s all I know about him.”

      Mina’s face changed, it looked as if she remembered something. ‘Is Darius tall? And with black hair? And very handsome?’

      “Yeah… I guess.”

      ‘Ah! Master Aarvind’s old friend?’

      “No.” I said. “That Darius is dead.”

      Mina raised her eyebrows. ‘No, no.’ She said. ‘Let me show you.’ She then began to fly in a circle and the air within the circle began to twist.

      An image of Darius appeared.

      “Wait… so this man is my father’s old friend?” I asked, quietly.

      Mina nodded. ‘Yes! Yes! Very long ago! Long before the battle for your mother!’

      “What?” I asked, looking at her. “What battle? For my mother?”

      Mina nodded. ‘Keroshan does not know?’

      “No. Tell me.” I was beginning to get a weird feeling.

      ‘Darius is a bad, bad man! He tried to kill Master Aarvind because he was jealous.’

      “Why was he jealous?” I asked, even though I knew the answer.

      ‘Because he loved Lady Thara. He loved her very much. But Lady Thara chose Master Aarvind. Of course she had to because she loved Master Aarvind very, very much!’

      “So they fought for her?”

      She nodded.

      “And my father won… didn’t he?”

      She nodded again.

      “So that’s it…”

      Mina looked at me, confused.

      “Did Darius really love my mother?”

      Mina nodded. ‘So very much, but his hatred and anger got the best of him! He is not a good man.’

      That was it. There was only one possible explanation for why Darius was here… and why my father is here.

      “Can you tell me where he is?” I asked.

      Mina nodded after a short hesitating. ‘He is at Alerina… but Keroshan… you cannot oppose him, he is too strong.’

      “I’m not going to oppose him.” I said.

      We’re both fighting for the same reason… finally getting the chance we’ve waited years for.

      Revenge… revenge for killing my mother, who was also the woman he loved.

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