"a song, a beautiful ballad floating"

202 13 16

Daisy is just in awe.

She stares, just stares, at the handsome man's hand before fully comprehending what just happened.

Daisy finally comes to her senses, blinks, then grabs a hold of the stranger's hand for support.

She has to ignore how small and welcomed her hand feels in his. They both share a moment by just looking at each other. Both secretly in awe of the other.

And yes, Daisy knows he might be at least 5 years older than her yet she doesn't care.

Sadly, happy moments can't last forever because then Daisy is being pulled from the man's tight and secure grip and is crowded by her best friend, Jennifer and the other waitresses; all with worried looks.

"Daisy, honey, are you fine?"

"You poor thing, its only your first day".

"Oh my God Daisy, your mom is going to kill me".

Daisy feels disoriented because of everyone talking to her, trying to get her attention, yet she only wants one person's attention.

Daisy grabs onto a nearby table and tries to stand up. Her skates make it harder than she thought but after a few hands gripping her waist, she's up.

The first thing she even thinks of doing is finding the stranger, yet when Daisy looks around the diner, she sees no tall dirty blonde hair in the crowd, nor does she see his handsome smile.

All she sees are eyes staring right back at her, but not just one pair, the entire diner.

Oh how embarrassing, it's only her first day and it's turned out to be way worse than she expected.

"Let's go get you cleaned up", that's Jennifer, Daisy registers as she takes a while to respond but eventually nods and follows her. She hears a pair of feet behind her and she's pretty sure it's Courtney.

Daisy skates to the back changing room with the help of Jennifer and first unties her, now pink, apron. Jennifer takes the apron, most likely going to rinse it off and offering to wash it for Daisy.

Next Daisy takes off her death traps of skates.

Daisy slouches in a nearby chair and stretches her arms and legs while sighing.

"You look exhausted", Courtney sympathizes with a frown, taking the skates and putting them back in her best friend's bag for her.

Daisy doesn't bother to look up from where's she's sitting and is seriously contemplating life currently.

Out of all the things that could have happened, she just had to fall in front of the handsome guy.

He must think she's a dork now.

"Cheer up, Daisy", Courtney says.

Daisy looks up with a frown but then composes herself, sitting up straight, fixing her hair, putting on her chucks then standing.

"I'm fine", she says curtly.

Courtney looks at her friend with a raised eyebrow and an unsure look, yet doesn't comment and simply nods in reply. "Okay, let's just go before your mom can get mad".

Daisy is already steps ahead of her, walking out the changing room with a completely different demeanor from earlier.

That's what people admire of Daisy.

She's resilient; she goes through a bad situation then bounces back up as if nothing even happened. If anything, those situations helped her become the even stronger person she is today.

DaisyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang