Chapter Fourteen

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"Leila! Open the door!" Marshall yelled, adding a few pounds at my door. I bit my lip harder, staring down at the pills in my hand.

"Fucking shit," he cursed. "Open up!"

I refused to listen, tears forming in the corner of my eyes. My lips trembled as I looked from the door back to my hand.

"That's it." he gruffly said. Before I knew it my door was busted down, a hole straight down the middle. Marshall tore the remaining strips of wood from the hinge and looked at me with wide eyes.

His dark eyes flickered from my face to the pills on the table. It seemed like he froze, unsure of what to do.

"What are you... w-what are you d-doing..?" he asked in disbelief. Before I could answer he grabbed my hand roughly causing the pills to drop and rattle on the floor. I was speechless, unsure or what to say.

He broke eye contact with me when he noticed the folded paper. I cringed as he picked it up slowly. Marshall's eyes scanned the paper before crumpling it up and stuffing it in his pocket.

"No," he mumbled, staring in my eyes. "Not fucking happening Leila,"

"Please," I sobbed, "Let me do it," I pleaded.

"Why? That note was bullshit, Leila. You didn't tear this family apart. Some things just aren't meant to be.", he explained. I shook my head at him, wiping a tear from my cheek.

"I just want to die," I cried, sliding my back down the wall I was leant against. I hugged my knees, burying my face into them.

"Daddy?" a small voice called. I didn't bother looking up.

"Go downstairs baby," I heard him whisper. She huffed, her feet paddling away.

A few seconds passed. "Leila." he called. I lifted my head up a bit so I could see Marshall.

"Don't do this," he mumbled. "please, for me, for the girls."

I sighed, nodding slowly. He came to place a kiss on my forehead. "We all love you, you know that?" he told me, ruffling my hair. I shrugged.

"You know, Lanie really wants us to get back to that movie." I nodded, standing up weakly and proceeding downstairs.

"Finally!" Lanie groaned. I faked a smile, taking a seat next to her. I could feel my legs still trembling from the event before. Marshall took a seat next to me, squeezing my knee reassuringly.

I sighed, giving him a shy smile before soon falling asleep.


The next day was weird. I woke up, basically rolled out of bed and slumped down the stairs. I met Marshall in the kitchen, he was cooking on the stove. We exchanged good mornings and I sat down at the table, drumming my fingers on the table.

It was an awkward silence before Marshall broke it. "So, erm, I'm going to the studio today."

"Really?" I asked. He nodded, flipping a pancake.

"Yes, can you watch the girls? Kim is..." he paused. "Obviously not here and Hailie is going out."

I obliged. "Yeah, sure." I gave him a weak smile which he returned.

"Listen, I was going to ask you permission before I did this, but I think it would be better if I did it without you knowing..." he began. I sighed wearily as he set a plate of pancakes in front of me.

Marshall bit his lip. "I booked a few meetings with a counselor" What?


"It's almost like a guide, it's to help you. I can't just forget about last night, Leila. You know that." he told me.

Fuck, I should have known this would happen. I knew Marshall wouldn't have let it slide. But a counselor? I'm not good at opening up to people, especially if I don't even know them.

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not very outgoing. I can't just open up to a stranger."

"I know that but can you at least try? I want the best for you and if counselors will help Ill do whatever it takes." Marshall gave me his best, sincere smile. His eyes were pleading.

I pondered. "Fine, whatever." Marshall did a little happy dance and I had to keep myself from letting out a bark of laugher, real laughter.

"How is everything? Besides.. you know.." I changed the subject quickly.

He beamed. "Yeah, it's good, I'm working on a new song, did I tell you about it?"

"I think so, what's it called again?" I asked. I had forgotten about his new song he was writing.

"Umm.." he stuttered. "K-Kim."

"Oh?" It came out more like question. That couldn't be good. I could only think of how powerful yet painful that song could be.

"It's a bit... It's a bit disturbing." He admits and I giggle quietly. Silence takes over until two pairs of feet rush down the stairs.

"Morning girls." I smiled at them and they grinned. They gripped their blankets tightly around them. "Cold?" I asked.

They nodded frantically and I smiled, giving them a warm hug.

"Morning girls." Marshall also said. He kissed their foreheads swiftly and placed waffles in front of their chairs. They squealed and began to dig in. I smiled.

Hailie came into view, her blonde hair in a high ponytail. "What happened last night?" she groaned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Me and Marshall shared a look. I didn't say anything. "Nothing, Hail." he said and I smiled appreciatedly at him and he nodded.

Hailie nodded and didn't ask any more thankfully. I sighed happily when a small conversation ingaged between the small family we have.

I'm glad Marshall stopped me from killing myself last night.

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