Chapter 3: Home At Last

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I woke up feeling drowsy staring up at a bright wall. I looked over to my right and saw my father sleeping in a chair beside me. The door opened and i saw Jessica walking in with a tray of hospital food. "Im so glad your ok!" Jessica hugged me. I no longer felt the pain from last night. "Whats going on?" i asked. What i really wanted to know was where was Summer and Taylor.

"Some girl dropped you off. She told the Nurse you were attacked by a coyote." Jessica continued to talk about how lucky i was to survive. I couldnt pay attention to anything she was saying. I wondered what made taylor change her mind or did summer take me instead. "Leela?"

Jessica calling my name brung me out of my daydream. I shook my head "yes?"

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

I contemplated on whether or not i should tell her. If i did tell her would she believe me? I dont even know if i would believe me. How could a girl appear out of nowhere? "No i dont.." I said looking away from her. "I have to use the bathroom." Jessica offered to help me but i really didnt need any help. My body was feeling much better. When i closed the bathroom door i took off my shirt. The coyote barely left any marks on my body. This cant be. I was on the verge of death.

I put my shirt back on and flushed the toliet so i wouldnt raise any suspicion. When i walked back into the room, a nurse was now in there and my father was awoke. "Hello there!" the nurse said gleefully. "As i was telling your father, your injuries arent major so your able to check out now if you want too."

"Yes. That will be fine." i really just wanted to go home. To go somewhere familiar. As we walked down the hall i could have sworn i saw Taylor through the corner of my eyes. But when i looked nothing was there.

I was in my own little world. The ride home which would normally take an hour, seem a lot faster.

Jessica helped me out of the car. I hated how she was babying me. She would have flipped her lid if she seen how much pain i was in last night. "I just want to go to sleep. I'll talk to you later ok?"

"Umm.. Ok?" i could tell her feelings were hurt but i really needed time to think. My mind was racing a million miles a second. I fell asleep in no time.

Run. Faster. I have to run faster. I dont know why im running all i know is i have to run faster. I kept running through the woods. My vision was awfully blurry but i could see everything moving around me. Taylor appeared in front of me "go back! You must get out of here." she motion with her hands for me to shoo but i couldn't someone was calling out to me. I ran past her searching and searching but i couldnt find what i was looking for.

I woke up in a cold sweat. That had to be one of the most creepiest dreams i ever had. I often had dreams like that. I would mostly be a bird flying far far away. Never running to something.

I got dressed for school. I wasnt really in the mood to go so i wore sweats and pulled my hair into a loose ponytail.

Jessica honked her car letting me know she was outside. We rode to school in silence. When we pulled into the school parking lot. Jessica put her car in park and faced me. "Are you ok? You barely talked to me since.. Well you know."

I could see the hurt in her eyes and it kills me to know im the reason my Bestfriend is hurting. "Im sorry Jesse.. The attack really drained me of my energy." I gave my award winning smile, "you know your my bestie and i love you."

"I love me too!" Jessica said jokingly curving me.

When we walked through the school doors everyones eyes were on me. I let out a deep breath and walked down the hall with my head up.

When i reached my locker Zach was there waiting for me. "Leela, your not alone!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "We're not interested in your freaky nerd talk. Bye bye now." Jessica said stepping in between me and Zach.

Zach cussed Jessica out under his breath as he walked away. I closed my locker to find Taylor walking down the hallway. I wanted to go talk to her. There were so much i wanted to ask. But she was walking with the principal.

Jessica and I walked to our first period English class. I was shocked when moments later Taylor walked in. She sat in the desk right in front of me without even looking at me. I wasnt sure if she just didnt see me or was ignoring me. I wanted to tap her on her shoulders but what could i say?

My english teacher Mr. Quartz sat in front of the class reading the story of Beowulf. One of my favorite stories but yet i couldnt pay attention all i could think about was my dream from last night. "Get into groups of two. I want you to choose your favorite chapter in Beowulf and write about why you love it so much. This paper will be worth 25% of your grade so choose your partners wisely." Mr. Quarts said.

I knew Jessica would want to be partners but i really wanted this time to talk to Taylor. I tried not to look Jessica's way as i tapped on Taylor's back. "You want to be partners?"

"Sure!" she said as she smiled at me. Taylor grabbed her book and placed it on my desk. I slipped a glance at Jesse. She had her hands in the air with a questioning look. I mouth out sorry. "I never read Beowulf before so we can use your favorite part."

"Umm.." i was caught off guard by her statement. "My favorite part is the battle with Grendel's mother."

Taylor started writing notes in her notebook. "So wheres Summer?" i awkwardly asked

Taylor looked up from her notebook questionally. "Who?"

I didnt know what to think about her question. She looked so serious, almost as serious as the night she saved my life. "Your friend, Summer?"

"Im sorry but i dont know who that is.."

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