The Great Study Date

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"Thank you, Rebecca for your forgiveness and for the lift."

"Well, I wouldn't have you hobbling your way home. Lucky for you, Chloe lets me use her car from time to time."

"I am truly sorry for this morning and if you'll let me, I'd like to make it up to you."

"Would you now?"

"Desperately. When are you free?"

"I've got lectures and clinical studies most of the week but I am off Friday and Saturday."

"Can I call you?"

"Yes, I'd love that," she smiled and held out her hand expectantly. He picked it up with his and kissed the back of it and she chuckled uncontrollably.


"That's wonderfully charming of you but I was hoping you'd hand me your phone."

"Oh, bugger. Sorry," he blushed and planted his phone in the palm of her hand. She returned it to him and it showed her name and phone number, entered into his contacts list.

"Thank you, Rebecca. Til' next time?"


Even though the way he walked away looked the way she imagined a scarecrow would, she could still appreciate his height and slim frame. "Take care of that bum, will ya?"

He grinned a mile wide as she turned to leave and he found himself already counting the minutes until he'd see her again.


Rebecca spent the next two days attending lectures at the university but couldn't come close to paying attention. The topic of discussion was the furthest thing from her mind. All she could think about was Ben. Her professor stood like a statue in the front of the class and droned on, only encouraging her daydreaming.

"Twelve patients were included in this study. Median viral load was higher in sputa than the nasopharyngeal swabs for fatal cases was positive in cell samples..."

Rebecca's phone buzzed in the pocket of her bag.

I cannot stand to wait until the weekend. Dinner tonight?-B

I'm buried in texts that I haven't had time to read. You're welcome to join and watch me study if that interests you -R

Maybe I could teach you a thing or two. I'm fairly well versed in forensics, if you must know -B

"Rebecca? Care to join us or are you too busy socializing?"

"Sorry sir," she replied, straightening and refocusing on her lecture notes. She waited for class to be over before messaging back.

You owe me for distracting me in class. I hope you're as well versed in post-mortem pathology as you say you are -R

Are you kidding? Piece of cake -B

I have to pick up some things from Whole Foods, then I'll be headed home -R

Brilliant. I'll meet you at the store then. How long? -B

20 minutes -R

"Bloody fantastic. Why does he have to pick the day I woke up late?" Rebecca took stock of the haphazard way she'd put herself together that morning, wishing she'd had the foresight to at least choose something mildly flattering. She pushed that thought aside, unlocked her bicycle and made her way to the market.

She rounded the corner and found him sitting on a bench, just out front of the store. His sunglasses, hat and newspaper concealed his identity to passers by but she spotted him immediately. She hooked her bicycle to the bike stand and locked it in place. He was so deep into his newspaper, Rebecca was able to sneak up on him unnoticed.

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