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"No," she hissed. "Get them out of here! You know, John. You know what they did--" she choked on her words and dashed across the house then up the stairs, taking them two by two. She slammed and locked the guest bedroom door behind her, forgetting that Amelia was asleep in the next room. She prayed for her life that she hadn't woken her up.

"I can't. I can't. I'm not ready," she sobbed, not totally sure when the tears had started in the first place.

"Come back to me, Rebecca. Come back--"

"Ben, please. Just leave me alone," she whispered as she pressed her forehead into the closed door. She tried desperately to listen to what was being said downstairs but their voices were too muffled for her to pick up on.

"If she's not in the hospital, she's not at our flat and she's not here, then where is she, John?" Chloe demanded, her face just inches from his.

"Chloe, please lower your voice so we can talk about this like civilized adults. Amelia and Nicholas are also both upstairs sleeping so I'd appreciate it if you'd calm down."

"How do you expect me to calm down at a time like this? Would you care to read the note she left in our kitchen and then tell me to calm down? Your sister is on the lam, or so you say and I'm supposed to just accept that? Do I look like a fucking idiot?"

"No, but you do look like a pregnant woman that needs to answer some questions," he replied incredulously.

"Sod off, John. I have nothing to answer to you for, now where is she?" Chloe pushed past John and into the house with Ben following.

"Hey! You two have no right, come back here--" John shouted. He followed them out and found her on the back steps, head hanging, tears on her cheeks.

"Where is she, John? I need her," she sobbed into her hands.

"You need her? For what?" John exploded, wishing his words were made of actual fire so he could spit them at her. "At what point did you need her? Was it before or after the two of you shagged and you found yourself knocked up--"

With one swift motion, Chloe's palm made searing contact with John's cheek. He recoiled and came back to face her, his hand clutching the side of his face. The shadow of nighttime added to his rageful expression, taking Chloe by surprise at how intimidating he looked. Her anger waned to a simmer while John's pot boiled over.

"Get out. Both of you," John growled, pointing to the front door.

Rebecca snuck down the hallway and quietly perched atop the stairs, hidden from sight so she could listen. The only thing she knew was that Chloe and John were going at it and Ben hadn't said a word.

"John, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," she grovelled as she spun around to face him in the entryway.

"Your apology is worth nothing to me. How dare you come into my home on Christmas, barging in like you're bloody Scotland Yard and expect me to give you answers about my sister--the same sister that you've both betrayed?"

"John, if I may have a word?" Ben interjected, his voice calm and even.

John looked to Ben expectantly, "Go on then. You'll both be leaving after that."

"If it's all the same, I'd like to explain what life is like right now, what it's been like--"

"A nightmare," Chloe added. Ben shot a look at her, telling her to clam up.

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