Sleep With Me~

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Karma P.O.V.

As I went upstairs, I looked for the chocolate I was planning to give, the day of the accident. Now, should I give him before or after going to bed? Meh.

I walked back downstairs, carrying the gift. Nagisa patiently waited there, as I left him earlier :3. "K-Karma? Are you back?" He asked softly. I sat next to him, and laid my head down his shoulder, in which he blushed. "G-Guess you a-are..." He stuttered.

"Hey Nagisa-chan~ I'm gonna let you eat something 'homemade'." I told him, smirking delightfully. He gulped deeply, and smiled at me cutely. "W-What is it?" He asked curiously, trying to grasp it by his hands. "Nahh. You should say 'ah' first." I smiled. He sighed deeply, and opened his mouth, slowly while quivering a bit.

I put in the chocolate, and he gasped a bit. "C-Chocolate?" He asked, as he chewed the chocolate I fed him. I said a yes, and he smiled. "It's really good." He told me, cheeks tainted in a light pink color.

8:30 P.M.

Nagisa went silent 10 mins ago, so I tried to make him talk more. Tickles, hehehe. From last time's incident, he turned into a child and I found his tickle spot, it was adorable.

"What the-- Hahahahahaha!! K-K-Karma!!! Hahaha! Staaaahp!!" He said in between his adorably cute laughs. I giggled as I saw him cute as a puppy, so I kept tickling him on that spot.

9:00 P.M.

"That was a bit... fun...haha" Nagisa whispered. I laughed a bit, and rubbed his head, leaning my head onto his. I took a peek on his face, and his eyes were shutting close. He yawned, which made me pinch his cheek. Sorry, I just had to. XD

"A-AAH! Karma!" He whined, rubbing his cheek. "Haha. Sorry there, Nagisa-chan~ You were too adorable. But do want to sleep now?" I asked him, smiling deviously. He nodded, in a blush. Does he know what I'm up to?

9:20 P.M.

I guided Nagisa into my room and laid him down the corner spot. I closed the lights, leaving a little light spot at the bed, and lied next to him. I felt like he was burning intensely, by the looks of it. "Like our position, Nagisa-chan~?" I ask him, cupping his cheeks. He looked downwards. I faced him towards me and kissed him straight on the lips, and released to see his reaction.

"Karma...? Did you... kiss me?" He asked. "Yup. Goodnight, Nagisa-chan." I confessed. Hugging him, and leaving him blushing, looking like a strawberry.

'Love you'

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