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The club was loud and crowded with people, dancing, jumping, and kissing. It was hot, too. Mia Lahey had a simple job of watching the guard. If all went well, the Calaveras would hand over Derek Hale and accept the money that Mia's friends, Stiles and Lydia, were offering the them. They weren't in Beacon Hills anymore, they crossed the boarder to Mexico to look for Derek.

Even though Mia had a bad feeling about being there, in a hunter's house,  she was blending in pretty well. She was in the middle of the floor,  dancing, blending in with her friends, Kira and Malia.

But knowing her friends, the plan could be messed up at any time. At least she wasn't just standing in the middle like Kira was, she was practically telling everyone in the club they were there.

"Can you stop looking like that?" Mia asked her. She was next to Malia, glaring at Kira. Kira shrugged. "We are going to get caught with you looking around."

"Something is wrong, I can feeling it." Kira said.

"Just dance with us,"  Malia grabbed Kira by the waist. They were swaying back and forth, then jumping. Mia watch as everyone that was on the dance floor gathered around them and started jumping with there hands up.She started twirling by herself, acting as she should, blending.She felt a tap on her shoulder, and as fast as she could, Mia turned. It was Scott, her another friend.

Scott was like a brother to Mia. When her father died, Mia and her brother, Isaac,lived with Derek, where she learned how to be in control of her werewolf powers. But soon, Mia and Isaac lived with Scott. And she still does, he's all she has left. Isaac went to France to mourn the death of his girlfriend, Allison Argent, leaving his sister behind.

"Ready?" Scott asked.

They'd been made out. With a nod, Mia brought out her glowing blue eyes and her claws. She fought hard and long, there were two men with big guns. Throwing punches and kicks was Mia specialty, she repeated every move until they were knock to the ground.

"That was easy," Mia smiled, whipping her long blonde hair back.

All four of them moved, out of the dance floor down a narrow hallway. They walked in a straight line.  It was quiet as they walked through the hallway.

"Smoke?" Said Scott who was in the front.

"Thank you, captain obvious," Mia said. Then she started coughing, as the smoke reached her skin it was burning.  Mia fell to the ground, "wolfsbane," she muttered before she blacked out.


Mia's eyes open to an unfamiliar ceiling. Where was she? Why was she laying on a cold concrete floor?  When she sat up, she looked around. Mia saw sinks that were brown and rusty. She was in a run down bathroom?

"Mia!" Stiles's voice was loud in her ear. "Hey, I'm here. Mia, you're okay." Stiles had brought her into a hug.

"Where's Scott... and Kira?" Looking around once more, noticing Lydia was missing as well. "Lydia?"

"Well, we were kind of hope you could help us out. You know, super hearing?" Stiles asked her, she was already trying.

Mia heard everything. Not only her friends, but the club music, too. She tried picking out the important things, her friends were the only thing that mattered. Mia's head was still in a fog and the room was spinning.

"Stiles, I've got it. I hear them." Malia said, she was over by the sinks. "They're  being tortured. The Calaveras want to know who took Derek." Mia could hear the brutal screams now, it made her shiver.

"Why does she think we know? That's why we're here, isn't it?" Mia's voice snapped. She kept her focus on her friends with the Calaveras, who kept asking the same question. Who took Derek? The woman who was talk brought up someone who was turned by a scratch.

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