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It was a confusing day for Mia. Her and Scott were at Derek's the next day trying to understand what was going on with Parrish. He was on the deadpool, according to Scott, and recently almost killed by being burnt to death.

        "So... Is he like us?" Mia asked out loud after a long pause of silence. Everyone looked as confused as Mia felt looking at Parrish who was once burned. The weird part was, he looked completely unharmed."Derek, don't you know about this stuff?"

         "This is a little out my reach," Derek said, sighing while crossing his arms over his chest. "Does he even know what we are?"

           Mia looked Parrish, who looked to everyone. He had the same confusing look as before. He probably had no idea. But Mia only met the guy once.

       "Are you like Lydia? Are you psychic?" Mia wanted to laugh at Parrish's words, clearly his was young in the subject.

       If only it was the simple with Lydia predicted the future. Instead the world was a dark place, where banshee didn't predicted the future, they predicted death.

        "Um, no." Mia said, looked at Scott and Derek. "Scott, you're the alpha. Do your stuff."

         Scott's eyes were glowing a blood red, flashing towards Parrish. Although, Parrish had never seen a werewolf, he didn't seem that scared. His eyes still bounced making his eyebrows shoot up, but not a sound.

         After that everyone was worried. Parrish had told them that Hank, the guy who attempted to kill him, wasn't a professional. That was a problem. Now anyone with the list could  kill and get paid.

      Lydia knows a lot about this stuff, her grandmother was a banshee and left her a key for Lydia.

          "Well, this has been fun, but I have to go," Mia announced backing to meet to door.

          "And where would that be? It's late." Of course, Mia wasn't ready to tell Derek where she was going, and Scott's was now acting like a mom, too, so no.

      She wanted to go see Liam, how everything was so good with him now, she wanted to see him all the time. Instead of telling the truth, she lied, "Don't you worry, Mom, I'm going home. I have to get beauty-rest."

         Without a word, both Derek and Scott nodded with uncertainty looks. Mia was off, quickly she ran home and change into legging and a tee. Liam's home was a short walk for hers, so quietly, Mia climbed up the tree and on the window sill. It was dark, the light in Liam's room was on.

        Mia knock on the window. Liam looked terrified as he walked to the window. A kiss on his lips and she was in his room. But something wasn't right, Mia could feel it. He was nervous.

         "What's wrong?" She asked turned suddenly as they were walking to his bed. She was only a couple inches lower then him, she was looking at him worriedly. "Did something happen?" Not a sound came from her boyfriend. "Are you okay?"  Liam finally answered, but it wasn't vocally, he handed her a piece of paper that was folded. Mia carefully took the paper and unfolded it, revealing its true meaning; no Liam was not a okay, and neither was Mia. "Where did you get this?" Her voice cut through thin air. "Liam you can't not talk now! Where and when did you get this? Do you know about this for long?"

        "My printer wouldn't shut off," his voice was very soft as he hand her another copy of the list. Mia couldn't form word to come out of her mouth, she was too busy  look at her name.

          Mia Lahey     7

         Fear poured over her as she sat on his bed, still not speaking. She was bigger target now, worth more. What was she to say?  As much as she hated the thought, Mia needed to cry. She hated to though, it was a sign of weakness, as her dad would drill into her. 

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