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❝Blood is thicker than water.❞

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"So how did you end up here?" Vanessa asked her sister

The two girls were currently sitting in Vanessa's apartment talking. Uncomfortably Kali shifted in her seat.

"Long story, I rather not talk about it." She spoke solemnly

Vanessa grabbed both of Kali's hands, looking into her eyes.

"When your ready to talk about it I'm here."

Kali nodded looking away from her sister. She scanned the room noticing a picture of Vanessa smiling in her cap and gown next to guy who was smiling also. Kali gravitated towards to photo tracing her nails around the man's face.

"Is that Tyler?"

Vanessa nodded her in reply heading towards the kitchen to get something to drink.

"That was a couple of years ago at my high school graduation. Go bears." She spoke over her shoulder

"How is he? Where is he?"

"Some college I think it's called Whittmore, I don't know but what I do know he's coming here in a couple of days. You get to see him after all these years, he's going to be shocked as I was."

Vanessa returned with two plates of food, setting them on her coffee table.


"I'm fine, but thank you."

Vanessa shrugged scraping her food onto her plate and began to eat. Kali ran her fingers across the pictures, a wave of emotion hit her when she saw a picture of her aunt and her mother smiling with their arms wrapped each other smiling towards the camera. She felt a tear drop from her eye but she quickly wiped it away and turned towards her sister.

"When did she die?" Kali asked

Vanessa paused mid-bite, putting her fork down and grabbing her napkin and wiping her mouth.

"Five years ago. It was cancer, Kali."

In that Kali heart broke into a million pieces, Kali couldn't control her emotions as tears began to fall from eyes and began sobbing. Vanessa got up from the couch to her sister wrapping her arms around her.

"Kali its okay you'll get through this, we'll get through this together, I promise."

Klaus angrily paced back in forth in his eighteenth century home, it's been almost three days and his impatience was growing by the hour.

"Nikklaus the pacing, what is the matter with you?" Elijah spoke tracing the stair banister with his fingers

"Nothing that would concern you my brother."

"Are you still worried about the witches in the French quarter?" Elijah questioned his brother

Klaus abruptly stopped, as a evil grin formed on lips.

"I will be gone for few brother, I have some business to take care of." He spoke mischievously

Elijah his shook his head as Klaus went towards the door grabbing his jacket and headed out the door. Klaus walked the streets observing the streets, looking for Kali. He wasn't to sure of where she was but he knew that he would find her. After while Klaus became somewhat restless but he picked up a familiar voice. He paused in the middle of the sidewalk and focused his hearing on the conversation.

"So how did you know you were a witch?"

"High school- definitely high school. I remember during a car wash a girl named Sarah was on my ass about making sure the water buckets were full, so when she walked away I was so angry and imagined the water spilling over and it actually happened."

"Wow, that was bad-ass."


Klaus snapped out of his daze, crossing the street into the shop where Kali and Vanessa were in.

"Well isn't this a treat, the witch
conspiring against me and the rambunctious werewolf." 

Kali turned around flashing her fangs at him.

"What are you doing here?" She growled at him

"Oh I just came here to see how everything is going on with Vanessa, I see that you have found her,"

"Wait you know him Kali?"

"Unfortunately, yes but what does he want with you?"

"Yes, Vanessa why don't you tell her why you and your other witchy little friends have plotted against me?"

Kali looked at her sister furrowing her eye brows in confusion.

"How about you ask your brother who has been sauntering around in the quarter." Vanessa spoke sarcastically

Klaus smirk faded into a angry glare. He quickly vamped over to Vanessa, wrapping his hand out her neck, held her a few feet above the ground. Kali's wolf instincts kicked and she kicked at his feet causing him to drop to the floor and so did Vanessa. She gasped for air and quickly scurried away from Klaus's reach. Kali quickly located a bare pipeline, jumping up and with brute force grabbing the pipe. And with one swift movement Kali stabbed Klaus in the chest just barely missing his heart. Klaus let out a piercing roar and choked on the blood the spewed out his throat and he began to bleed out the floor.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" He said yelled

The two sisters scurried out the back door leaving Klaus to bleed out on the shop tile.

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Hellurrr my children, this chapter is a little fluffy but I promise that it will be some shiz going down next chapter some unexpected, yeah, thank you for almost 400 reads and 40 votes I truly appreciate it xxxx see y'all laterz 

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