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❝Its time to get the hell out of dodge.❞
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"I need some of her blood."

Kali paused, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What do mean blood? Kill her?"

"No-no I mean just a drop of it. That way I will be able to perform the spell to unlink us."

"Who's going to do that?" Tyler questioned

"I will," Kali replied

"Kali you just -"

"No. I'm going to do it, come morning time I will get Hayley's blood and we're going to get out of this hell hole." Kali finished folding her arms across her chest

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"So I just got off the phone with Sophie, the witches are on the move. We have to act fast," Vanessa said placing her cell phone on the table joining her siblings at the kitchen table

"They move quick." Kali mumbled

"Sophie told me were Hayley Marshall should be, the old plantation house, it's just a few miles outside of town."

"Is there any vampires at the house?" Kali asked

"It's just Mikaelson family and Hayley. And since they have some thing with getting revenge over Marcel, the house should just be Hayley. It's a quick in and out." Vanessa finished

Kali nodded her head.

"Alright in the meantime, you lay low. Don't step out of this apartment until I come back." Kali spoke sternly

"And if I don't come back by sunset, you two get the hell out of here."

"Kali we're not leav-"

"Yes, you will. If it comes down to it, don't come looking for me okay, you both get in a car and head straight for the highway."

Kali spun on her heels and began walking towards the apartment door.

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The Mikaelson residence wasn't to far from town and wasn't that hard to find either. Kali peered though a couple of bushes looking at the house, it was large white, plantation like house. Typical shrubbery nothing too exciting, but just enough to blend in with the rest of the neighborhood. There were no cars parked, everything was empty. Kali looked up at one the windows seeing a familiar brunette pass by it.

She began, quickly, walking towards the side of the home. Making sure she wasn't seen, Kali ducked down, traveling the side pathway of the house. When she reached the fence, Kali stretched her arms, gripping the top of the fence, pulling herself up. Swinging each leg over before jumping down on the green lawn. Kali scanned the back of the house's windows to see if there were any people else in the house. It was empty again.

Kali then dashed up the backyard stairs, leaping onto one of the columns she climbed up it, gripping one of the edges of a windowsill, pulling herself up. She balanced her self as she lightly punched one of the glass squares in the window. Reached through it she felt for the latch to open it. The window swung open slowly and Kali lifted one of her legs inside her feet lightly touched the smooth, hard wood floor.

Kali ( the originals )Where stories live. Discover now