Who am I?

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There may have been a few days wait but it's finally here Zee. Beat that i_love_reading16

Who am I
To laugh as you fall
Make fun of your face
Point out your faults

Who am I
To single you out
Knowing you hate it
Just cause it's fun

Who am I
To make you feel sad
Connect school to misery
Make you dread each day

Who am I
To look at you there
To notice the changes
And never to care

Who am I
To scoff when you fall
Watch as you struggle to breath
Not helping you off of your knees

Who am I
To find out about your life
And still make it hell
Just because I can

Who am I
To see you fall
Into despair and self-hatred
And just watch from the sidelines

Who am I
To be the only one to feel
When they announced your death
And the circumstance of it all

Who am I
To go to your funeral
Act as a friend
When it's an obvious lie

Who am I
To keep to myself
The full truth of your death
Let injustice prevail

Who am I
To watch you unravel
To not once help
To ruin your life

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