What happened next

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  I was not talking to Summer. She'd hurt me and she wasn't that bothered. Ok, she did apologise, but it was on a post-it note. A POST-IT NOTE, SERIOUSLY? Yes, I know she's busy, and yes, I know I'm probably overreacting and everything but still, a post-it note? She couldn't even be bothered to buy a sorry card. Where had my lovely sister gone? I didn't know but she obviously wasn't here. I scrunched up the post-it note in a huff and threw it at the wall with finesse and stormed out of the room. "Y'all right up there Autumn?" Mum chimed, "I heard a noise..."
"Fine, Mum." I muttered darkly. I listened as a key turned in the lock of our front door. Summer. Peering over the banister, I watched as Summer and Dad walked in, Summer looking radiant as usual. I walked down the stairs sulkily. "Hi sis!" Summer called to me. I carried on walking. Ignore her. Say nothing. She persisted, "Been revising?"

    What the...? "NO! I haven't been revising! You know why? Because SOMEBODY lost my revision notes that I lent them!" I exploded, giving my twin lethal looks. "It's no biggie.." She started.

"No biggie? The exams are tomorrow!" I started ranting once more but I was rudely cut off by my mum running in to the hallway to see what the commotion was. "Autumn!" My mum said, whilst giving me pointed looks, "There is absolutely no need to have a go at your sister like that, whatever she has done to upset you." My face grew hot. Great. A public lecture in front of my whole family just because my twin lost my revision notes. I knew what was coming. The usual 'say sorry, give each other a hug business'. I tuned back in to Mum's lecture. "...So your Dad and I will go out for dinner tonight so we can have a peaceful evening and you can resolve your problems!" She finished, with a triumphant glance at me. No. No. That was unfair. This was going to be the most awkward and painful night. Of my entire life. In my peripheral view I saw Summer shut her eyes for a moment when she heard that- like she hated being around me. When she did that, a salty drop sprang to my eye. I imitated her, shutting her eyes but not because I didn't want to be around my twin but because I didn't want my twin to not want to be around me. "Goodbye darlings!" My mum called. 

"Bed by ten! Do you hear me?" My dad called. We murmured our response. SLAM! The front door. "Well, then," I start, "we need to solve our problems." Summer gave the most unexpected answer. She threw her beautiful hair back and laughed hysterically like a maniac. "Do you really think that I'm staying her to 'resolve my problems'?" She mimed the speech marks and said the last bit in a stupid voice. "Yes?" I respond, "Because that's what we were told to do." 

"Nah Autumn. I'm going out to Josh's party and I'm gonna get hammered!"

"Summer. Who is Josh?"

"This guy everyone has a crush on. I don't really- I personally think he's a bit full of himself. However, he has a crush on me. All my friends are, like, so jealous."

"How old is he, Summer?" Knowing full well that he was older than Summer.

"Year 11."

"Summer, you can't go. I'm not letting you go. You cannot walk there and back in the dark on your own. Plus, you'll do something stupid. I am the only one who keeps you in order. AND, you are fourteen, way too young to 'get hammered', whatever that may mean."

"It means get drunk, Autumn. Get your head out the sand. Live life a little."

"Well Summer, I don't think 'living life a little' INCLUDES GETTING DRUNK. And let me just point out that, you'll probably be murdered on the way back from the party."

"You are, like, so melodramatic. You can't stop me. I'm going. Bye then." She pulled her heels on and waltzed out the door without a jacket before I could stop her.

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