In my dreams

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       Summer is there, walking down the street, laughing with the shadow. "I finally escaped from Autumn. She is so gullible. All I had to do was say it and she believed me." I am behind her but she can't see me, can't hear me. I just watch, just listen.
I wake with a start, crying and trying to catch my breath. I'm in a place I don't recognise, full of voices, thick with accents, I don't understand. "Are you alright... I think you may have fainted for a minute or maybe you had a panic attack I'm not sure." Josh says, looking concerned. "No," I say to Josh sarcastically, "I just fell asleep." A look of surprise crosses his face before it sinks in. He laughs and then looks sad. "That's what Summer would've said, you know." I smile sadly and answer "Well, we are... Were twins, after all."
      "I want to help you." Josh said out of the blue.
"I want to help you out find out who killed Summer." Josh repeated.
"Josh, you can't."
"Why?" He asked.
"Summer's death isn't something to be taken lightly."
"I know that. Imagine, we could do it together." The word 'together' persuaded me.
"Fine. On one condition though."
"If at any time, you are not taking it seriously, we stop."
"Deal." We shook on it. Josh continued. "Tell me what you know so far." Was I ready to tell him about the dreams I was having? Would he think I was weird? Or even worse, psychic? Now that would be strange. "Autumn?"
"Oh sorry, well, it's really strange. But although I wasn't actually there when she was killed, I saw her being murdered." I took a deep breath.
"Take your time." Josh said kindly.
"Thanks. Anyway, I've had dreams, well nightmares really, when I sleep. And I had another one just then. When I fainted. They're about Summer and I have a feeling they actually happened on the night of her death. The police said her body was untouched and she was most likely poisoned just after I'd had a dream she died from being poisoned by this drink thing. I mean, how weird is that?" I gabble, without pausing for breath.
"It's slightly strange but to be honest I've heard similar stories."
"You have? So I'm not like a complete and utter weirdo and Summer as a ghost is not sending me telepathic messages!"
"Well, not of the dreams, but I have heard stories of twins and when one of them gets hurt, the other can feel it. Do you remember anything like that?"
"I didn't feel anything last night. I was just lonely."
"I'm sorry, I should've invited you to my party. I just didn't even know who you were then."
"It's fine. I just wish you hadn't invited Summer."
"Well, from now on I will invite you to my house, especially if we're going to solve this mystery. We're friends, us two."
"Really? Thanks Josh. That means a lot. I think we should tell my parents that Summer actually set off for the rest arty but was... Murdered on the way there."
"Autumn, you don't think that there's any chance she... That she...."
"Just say it, Josh."
"...committed suicide?"
"What the hell? There is no. Way. On. Earth that she committed suicide."
"Sorry, I don't know her or you that well so it was always an option."
"I understand. I think we should start with my neighbours, see if they heard or saw anything."
"That's a good idea. Let's go."

GUYS I'M BACK!!! AND I'M CARRYING ON WITH THIS BOOK! I wrote this about seven months ago soooo... don't expect too much!!

Guys, I'm so sorry it took me this long to upload! Writers block😒😒😒😒😒 In this chapter, I'm tagging @loliv76 I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow! Love, Lucy xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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