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I sat in my room, but the difference about my room is that it's in the underworld. My father is Hades, which leaves my mother to be Persephone. I don't have many friends, any of my friends are either ghosts, shadow people, or my creatures. One of my powers is being able to create any undead creature. I have other powers, but I try not to use them. My father doesn't like me traveling to the living world, he thinks that something will happen to me. For a man who is suppose to hate everyone and everything, he sure does care about me. I'm asking not to, but I think I can take are of myself with certain things.
I have always been curious of the world above me. Sometimes I would talk to the souls and ghosts about the world. They would tell me stories and things about it. I found out a lot by just listening.
One of the things that I was told about was movies. There are moving pictures that tell a story, whether it's real or not. I met a little girl, who would talk about movies that came from a Walter Disney guy. He made movies for children. One of them was called Hercules, all of the Greek gods and goddesses were featured in it. My father was in it as one of the main characters. he had hair made of flames and black robes. Down in the underworld, there aren't many colors down here. The closest colors are blacks, grays, fiery reds and oranges, and my mother's white garden.
Then I met a girl around my age, well at least the age I kind of stopped aging at. She read and wrote these things called fan fiction, I believe it was called. They made me look like my father. Meaning the blue fire hair and black clothes. All of which are stereotypes.
I have black hair, pale skin, and I mostly wear black and different shade of gray clothes, but I like to experiment with colors and when my mother goes to the living world for her giving time period. She likes to bring me different clothes. She also taught me how to make my own clothes and how to make different colors. She is pretty amazing really.
My parents don't really look how they picture them in like books. I love to read all sorts of things. I believe I might have read every single book in the world. My mother has dark brown hair, brown eyes, she has pretty, flawless skin. My father has black hair, black eyes, pale skin, and looks pretty great looking. My parents look young, only because they stopped aging at 22 years old.
So far, I don't know if I have any siblings, making me an only child. I do wish that I had a sibling, just so I'm not lonely all the time.
I'm sitting in a chair that is next to my window. I can see my mothers garden outside of it. It looks beautiful, the way it gleams from the fires light. It isn't made of real plants, it's made of bones, crystals, and diamonds. I heard a knock on my door. Whipping around and running to my door, I opened it, revealing my mother. "What's up?" I asked. She flashed me a smile before entering my room. "My visit to the living world is coming up soon. While I'm gone, I need you to take care of a few things for me." She said with a gentle tone. "Sure, what do you need me to do?" I asked as I sat on my bed. She handed me a folded up piece of paper. I heard that paper is made of leaves from trees. "Read it when I leave." She said before walking out of my room. I put the paper in my pocket.
Leaving my room, I went downstairs to the living room. My father was in there watching TV. "What are you watching?" I asked as I sat next to him. "Um, I believe that it's called The Hunger Games." He replied. My father is hard to read at times, but I could tell that something was on his mind. I didn't say anything, I just scooted closer to him. Leaning on his side, he put his arm around me. We watched the movie in silence, my mother never came in.
When the movie ended, I asked my dad a question that has been tugging at my mind for a few years. "Do you actually care about me?" I asked avoiding eye contact with him. He looked over at me, I could feel his eyes on me. "Of course I do, you are my beloved daughter." He responded. "Why would you think that I don't?" He asked. I hesitated to answer. "Because you hate everybody and everything. I know you love mother, but I feel as if something is different with me." I answered. I snuck a glance at him, he was giving me a loving look. He then hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Ophelia, I love you till the day you are no long alive and even after." He said. I gave him a smile and rested my head on his chest.

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