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After Jason went back to Percy and the rest of the group, I walked away. I walked to the woods, looking for a big tree. When I found one, I stood in front of the giant shadow. "I call upon you, rise for your talk." I said. The shadows created a black smoke. It created a small, swirling hurricane. When it parted back into the shadows, Danny was there. "Hey Danny."(Her picture is shown) I said. She opened her eyes. "Ophelia." She said. "Shh, keep it down. Your rule." I said to her.
Her expression looked hurt. "What?" I asked her. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about your mother." She said. "So, you already knew?" I asked her with hurt in my voice. She nodded. "Well, I met your brother." I said back. Her head shot up at me, a tear streamed down her cheek. "How is he?" She asked. "He is great." I answered. She looked relieved. "You know what I could do." I started. "No, I lived. I don't want you to do that" She snapped. She knows that I can bring people back from the dead, whether they want to be brought back or not.
Thoughts started to swirl in my head. Maybe I could bring Nico's sister, Bianca, back. Except, there is always a price to bringing back the dead, a living sacrifice to swap places.
"Danny. It would make him happier." I said. She looked as if she was considering it. "What about the swap? No one would do that for me." She said. "Who said it would be a person? Any ways leave that to me." I assured her. She gave me a look that showed that she wasn't sure. "Okay." She said. I flashed her a smile before she disappeared back into the underworld.
I walked back to my cabin with a big smile on my face. I went in my room and got out some clothes for Danny. I don't want her to come back with her wearing the same thing for a long time. I put the clothes in a small bag, I then slung the bag over my shoulder, and headed to lunch.
As I grabbed my own food, I would sneak some food into my bag, and I grabbed a bottle of water. "Leona!" Tyson called. I turned around to see him and Percy waving me over to sit with them. As I walked closer to them, I could see Annabeth, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Frank, Leo, and Grover sitting there too. I sat next to Hazel. "You're a child of Pluto." I said to her. "How did you know?" She asked as she eyed me suspiciously. "I can read you." I said as I took a bite from a ham and cheese sandwich. "Okay read all of us." Jason said. "Okay, Jason, you're a child of Jupiter. Leo is a child of Hephaestus. Frank is a child of Mars, but also part of a Chinese God. Piper is a child of Aphrodite." I said. They all looked impressed.
After talking for a while, I finished my lunch, and headed to the woods. I went back to the same tree where I summoned Danny. I looked at it for a while, before traveling deeper into the woods. I was going to catch an animal for the swap. I saw an elk walk a few feet in front of me. Making sure that I was supper quiet, I stretched my hand out. "Capture the freed. Making it trapped in a cage of weeds." I chanted. Long vines of weeds started to sprout from the ground, creating a giant cage around the creature. The elk was starting to get really freaked out. "I guess I should get a move on then." I said out loud to myself. I waved my hand for the cage to hover above the ground, then placing it in the shadows. "I summon the, to take this living creature. Making a swap, for a lonely soul." I chanted. The shadows started to produce black smoke. It must have been made of acid because the elk started to disintegrate away. Then the smoke turned into a purple fire. The fire started to form into a figure. The fire then became Danny.
"Danny?" I asked. She opened her eyes, giving me a smile, and attacking me with a hug. "Thank you." She said in my ear, before we parted. I grabbed my bag, giving her the food and water. "Well, daughter of Jupiter, how do you feel?" I asked her. She gave me and ear to ear smile. "Full." She said, we both broke into a laugh. "I grabbed you some clothes. Kind of figured that you wouldn't want to wear the same thing that you have been wearing for a while." I said as I handed her the clothes. She took them and changed father out, so no one could see her. When she came back, she looked so cute. "I want to see him." She said as she held back her tears.

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