The Mighty Dallas

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Luna at the top my people! & yes that's her outfit.

Waking up to the sun glaring on me I hop out of bed and change quickly. Running down the stairs I quickly look for something to eat. Right no food. Sighing I grab my helmet from the hall and keys and walk out my home. Not locking row door because I know no one will walk in unless they want to see stars and God. Stepping on the porch I take a deep breath of fresh morning air. Heading towards my bike o turn on the engine and hear it growl to life. Swinging a leg over I place my helmet on and back out the drive way slowly. The second I'm about to drive off I see Ponyboy and Johnnycakes step out their house. Two fingers salute them o drive off at high speed down the road. I swerve in and our of cars heading towards the market. With one final roar of my engine I turn it off and watch people give me curious glances. Taking off my helmet I quickly fix my hair and smirk as people gasp my way. Climbing off my convers hit the pavement with a thud. Socs and greasers watch in anticipation as I walk into the market. Geezer they act like I'm going to rob the place at gun point. Humming I walk down the isles picking up ingredients left and right. On the last far corner isle I watch as a boy grabs a gallon of milk and stuffs it in bus leather jacket. Frowning I walk up behind him

"Hey kid you paying for that?"

I ask and watch his back go stiff. Slowly he turns around and I'm not with brown cold eyes fill with so much anger and pain. His eyes travel my up my body and a smirk forms his lips. Raising an eyebrow at this kid I watch him slick his greased hair back

"What's a pretty broad like you doing in a place like this" he flirts making me stare at him blankly

"It's a market kid. Everyone comes here. Now I'll as again. You paying for that?" I tell him seeing his cheeks tint red

"Uh yea Yea I am" he rushes out but to him he probably sounded calm

"Great I'll walk ya I need to pay for all this stuff" I smirk at him seeing him get nervous

We walk in silents and I see him squirm as we get closer

"What's ya name kid" I ask

"Dallas Winston" he smirk my way as if I'm supposed to react

"Nice to meet cha Dallas" I smirk seeing bus smirk fall

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yea Dallas Winston"

"Yea the tuffes, cols hearted greaser. I've been in the cooler more than I could count"

"Just pay already"

He walks up to register never looking up with his hands in his pocket. I cross my arms watching him as he glances from me to the exit that's a few feet away.

"That'll be twenty five cents" the old lady says nicely smiling

I watch as he goes threw every pocket turning them inside out only finding lint. I watch him with worry as he glances at me almost as if asking for help. Smiling at him softly that surprises him. Putting my arm around him affectionately I smile at the lady

"Can you ring up the rest of the stuff. An a pack of cigarettes and a lighter will ya doll" I wink at her making her laugh

"Your such a sweet gall"

"Thank you ma'am"

"Will that be all"

"Yes it'll be all"

"That'll be $1.10 dear"

Handing her the money I grab the bags. Walking outside we don't say a word as Dallas follows me towards my bike. People whispering and pointing making me glare their way. Putting everything in my compartment I turn around and see Dallas checking out my ride.

"Here you go kid" I hand him his milk carton and he takes it

"Thanks, say what's ya name" he mumbles as he lites a cigar

"Names Midnight Luna" i smirk seeing his eyes widen

"Luna? Midnight? A-are your from New York" he asks stuttering making me raise an eyebrow

"Yea why?"

"You don't remember me? How babysat me. I'd call you Lu!"

I stare at him for a while as I remember watching knee him when hed run from home whe his parents fought or sneaked out when he got locked in his room and run to my home. He couldn't say my name so he'd say Lu for short. But one night he disappeared. Never came home. Everyone thought he was dead and gave up look but I kept looking till I ran out of tears and didn't feel any sadness in me. I blocked that night, those memories at of my head. To painful to remember. But here he stood Dallas freaking Winston alive and healthy in front of me. Happiness blossomed in me and I brought him into a bone crushing hug. His shoulders relax and he snuggled closer to me

"Your alive" I whisper

"Yea I'm alive"

Life's Worth Living  (Darry Curtis) DISCONTINUED Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon