The Cooler

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Her kitchen! Isn't it cute! :D

Dallas sat in my kitchen watching me cook up some egg and bacon. The coffee sat steaming on the counter making the room smell great. When we arrived I saw Dally glancing around once in a while as if waiting for someone to pop out if the bush and jump him. I hummed softly to one of Elvis songs that plaid on the radio.

"So how you been Dallas" I ask placing a plate loaded with egg and bacon

"I've been good. Getting into trouble left and right" he shrugs as he begins to eat

"That's good. The trouble part not so much. You in school?"

"Uh nah I dropped out. Want feeling it ya dig" he says rubbing the back of his neck

"You dropped out? Come on Dallas ita good for ya. Teaches you something good for this crazy world." I tell him sitting down and begin to eat

"Nah I don't see the-"

He's cut off by a knock on the door. Giving him a glance I see hes gone stiff as I get up. Starting up straight I open the door with a glare. There stood two officers in that uniforms smirking at me as if they know something I don't. My stance turns defensive

"Can I help you!" I snap at the making them scowl

"Are you Midnight Luna?" The short one asks

"Depends on the situation" I tell them crossing my arms

"Your under arrest" the tall one says latching onto my arm pulling me out the house down the steps

"Hey! Let go you pig! I've done nothin wrong! When I get out of these you better be our of town! I'll slit ya throat! Both of yas!"

I shout causing people to come out their homes. Dallas watches from the window staying hidden making me relief to know he isn't in trouble. Pony and Johnny watch as I'm dragged away with force as I fight

"Stop talking!" The tall one shouts slamming me on the hood of their car making Pony and Johnny step forward

"Don't you two move! For the love of god don't move Ponyboy and Johnny!" I shout at them as my face is shoved down

"Luna!" Johnny shouts shocking me

Wanting to know if hea alright I stand up with force elbowing the tall one making him hunch over and kick the short one where the sun don't shine. Looking up I see Johnny running my way. He crashes into my as he wraps his arms around me. I couldn't hug back seeing as I'm cuffed

"Johnny go back before they take you in" I tell him softly

"Why are they taking you" the whispers

"I don't know. I must of looked suspicious when I went grocery shopping. One of them Socs must of called and made up some lie"

"How l-long will y-you-" he's cut of by a shout

"Hey! You in trouble now!" The tall one says marching how way over

"Dam it Johnny! Run!" I yell at him making him jump but run off with Pony and some other guys

I'm tackled to the ground making me groan as the air is knocked out of me. The practical drag me by the leg into the car. Glancing back Pony and Johnny watch on worry and the rest of the guys watch in awe. An older one watches as I'm shoved in. He has soft brown hair and brown eyes, a tight black shirt showing his muscles that look as if they'd rip the shirt off. Looking back home Dallas watches with worry. The car took off with speed sirens blaring.

Life's Worth Living  (Darry Curtis) DISCONTINUED Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang