Mr. Sexy and Batman

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I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling at my brother. Probably for taking a slice of bacon. I smiled. What a typical way to start my day.

Jason always did something to annoy my mom but always manages to make it up by telling her how much he loved her, or even by giving her a kiss in the cheek. He'd kill me if I told anyone at school, but he was a total mama's boy.

I slid my glasses on so I could see around the brightly sun lit room. I yawned and scratched my head as my mom crept in, the way parents usually do when you're little.

"Oh good, you're up," she said in a rushed voice. "I wanted to tell you I'm heading off to work, so you'll have to catch a ride with Jason. Bye dear!" She flashed a smile before quickly darting out the door before I had a chance to protest.

Jason poked his head in the door saying, "You heard her, now get a move on, the team's gonna be waiting for me. I'll be in the car."

Jason was on the football team, quarterback actually. He literally had that perfect kind of life, completely oblivious to mine. Head cheerleader, Alison Mark, as a girlfriend. Straight A student and everyone loved and adored him like he was a king. I however seemed to be a nobody. If someone knew my name it was because they wanted to talk to my brother. That didn't include my two best friends.

Sometimes, it kind of pissed me off that no one paid attention to me. Well, unless they wanted to get close to my brother. Which everyone did, which resulted in the fact that I kind of shut people out. People used me, and I don't like being used. At all.

Other than that, having Jason as a brother wasn't that bad. It's not like I hated him because he was popular and I wasn't. He was my brother, how could I hate him? He didn't even put a limit on the guys I could date. Half of them didn't know he was my brother. Until they asked me out, came over to our house and saw Jason walking around. Then everything would change. They'd be scared and dump me or something. Wimps. 

I shook my head as if to clear it and put skinny jeans and a gray faded lego shirt that read, "I have one and I'm not afraid to use it." I put my batman jacket and black converse on as well. I took a quick look in the mirror.






Honk! Honk!

I glared at my brother-as if he could feel it-and grabbed my hair brush. To me, my hair is the best. I can wash it at night and just brush it the next day. No need to get up early to take a shower.

I found my backpack downstairs along with a note from my mom telling me to eat breakfast. I rolled my eyes. I told her I didn't like breakfast a million times but she still didn't believe me.

Going out the door I could see Jason in his car with a bored look on his face. He worked all of last summer to get it and he was extremely proud of it. And over protective. No food allowed from me because he claimed I was klutz. I'm not denying it but he didn't have to say it.

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