Chapter 2

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Summer Present
The impact of the boy's full weight caused me to go sprawling on my back. Pebbles and small shells dug into my exposed soft skin, but I didn't have time to worry about the pain because I was already being hauled to the surface by two powerful arms.

I came up fighting. I clawed and scratched blindly at my mysterious attacker. My hair, which clung to my face and eyes, made it impossible for me to see anything, but I felt flesh under my nails on more than one occasion. But instead of discouraging my attacker, it only seemed to encourage him to wrap his arms around me tighter.

After what seemed like hours of struggling, although it couldn't have been more than a couple of measly minutes, I was finally released, and my butt hit hot, dry sand. I scrambled to my feet and whipped the hair out of my face in one swift motion.

"Calm down," the boy said in a soft voice and held his hands out to me. I saw that he had longish blonde hair, which stuck out in all directions from under his floppy hat. He was tall, a lot taller me, and his arms and legs were lean and muscular. I highly doubted that I would be able to fight him off physically.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled in anger and fear.

"I just saved your life."

"Saved my life!? You just attacked me!" I yelled and tried to run up the beach past him, but he blocked me with his body. I backed away from him.

"No listen, I was saving you," he told me like I was supposed to believe him.

"Saving me from what!? A foot of water!?" I cried, and I realized my net was no longer in my hands. That meant I would have to spend hours weaving a new one, that is if I escaped this crazy person and survived.

I raised my eyes and met his, which were a deep blue. "Step aside and let me pass and we can forget this ever happened," I said, and let my magic flow out strongly with each word.

The boy looked unfazed, much to my shock and dismay. It was only then I noticed the thing glistening in the center of his chest on a black rope chain. It was green, but it glittered red and blue in the sunlight. I felt my blood go cold. It was unmistakable. It was a mermaid's scale.

"Listen to me; you must stay away from the water. For at least a couple of days," he said calmly.

"Okay, I won't go anywhere near the water, promise," I said absently, I was no longer paying attention to his words anymore, I was more focused on his body, how it was positioned, and how I was going to move around it.

I quickly tried to move past him again, but once again I was blocked. He grabbed my wrists and pulled my face close to his, so I turned my head, so I didn't have to look straight at him.

"That woman in the water you were talking to, she wasn't human, she's a creature of the sea. She might not look like it, but she isn't a character from a kid's movie, she's something dangerous if you'll aren't careful she'll hurt you," he said and let go of me.

I tried not to show any reaction to his words on my face, but inside I was screaming. This situation was getting worse and worse. He had seen Delphinia, had a good guess to what she was, and most importantly. My eyes lingered on his pendant; he was immune to her.

"Tim stop flirting and come up and help me! I got something big!" a child's voice floated down from the pier above us. A second later a little girl, who couldn't have been more than nine years old, with the same colored blonde hair as the boy  appeared above us.   She held a fishing rod in her hand, which was being bent by something tugging at its other end.

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