Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

"Lovely to see you again, Ashley." Dr. Frost, the school psychologist said warmly ushering Ashley into one of the armchairs. Ashley looked around the small cluttered room that held a two armchairs, a pile of dusty books and a thick rug that gave it a cozy feel.

"Like wise." Ashley mumbled back as she watched Dr. Frost settle into the other armchair. His large frame sunk into the chair and he peered at her through his horn-rimmed spectacles.

"So how have things been lately? We haven't spoken in a while..." Dr. Frost said and closely watched Ashley's body language.

"So-so..." She shrugged and contemplated telling him about her recent night terrors but fought against the idea and settled on it being just a bad dream.

"Even after the incident with Jet?" Dr. Frost saw Ashley twitch at the mention of the topic and scribbled something down on his notepad.

"That was unfortunate..." Ashley retorted sharply and saw Dr. Frost scribble more things onto his pad.

"I see. Have you made any new friends since our last meeting?" Ashley couldn't stop the words from spewing out,

"There's this guy..." Ashley bit her lip but it was too late.

"Ah! What's he like?" Dr. Frost chuckled and half-expected Ashley to babble on about how perfect he was but to his surprise, she didn't.

"Well...he's a nice person and we're kind of friends but he asked me out recently and..."

"And you don't know whether to say yes?" Added Dr. Frost helpfully but Ashley shook her head,

"That isn't it exactly...I said yes but I feel like it's for the wrong reasons." Ashley's tone was regretful has she hung her head and Dr. Frost leaned forward curiously,

"Why did you say yes, Ashley?" He asked reaching to take her hand but she pulled away and straightened her posture again.

"Janice and I had a fight and I don't want to face her tonight..." Dr. Frost scribbled a few more notes and asked the follow up question almost predictably but Ashley answered him vaguely and continued to talk about Andy. Dr. Frost listened intently only interrupting twice to reassure Ashley that she wasn't wrong for saying 'yes' and by the end of the session, Ashley didn't feel as heinous for using Andy as a scapegoat.

She walked back to her dormitory. Her thoughts in complete disarray. She considered calling Andy to cancel but remembered how excited he was and didn't have the heart to disappoint him.

Her bedroom was empty when she entered, to her relief and swung open her closet and began trying on numerous outfits. All the while muttering to herself what a bad idea it was. She even considered what if Andy made a move on her that she wasn't ready for and was pulled out of her rant by Janice's laughter.

"He's not going to make a move if you're wearing that..." She groaned as she gestured to the yellow sundress Ashley had tried on.

"How long were you standing there?" Ashley asked quickly as Janice helped her unzip her dress and let it fall to her ankles, revealing the burn scars on her back. Janice flinched and tossed Ashley a large T-shirt that was lying on the bed.

"Long enough." Janice walked over to her closet and pulled out a little black dress. It had a leather corset and an adjoining layered tulle skirt. "Pair this with fishnet tights and your converse and you will be killer." Janice said holding the dress up to Ashley who was quite skeptical of the dress but finally agreed.

At half-past eight, half an hour before curfew Ashley was ready. "Are you at least going to tell me his name?" Janice asked hopefully but Ashley shook her head no and headed down to the paved courtyard where Andy had agreed to meet her.

"I almost thought you weren't going to show..." Andy grinned. "You look ravishing by the way." Ashley blushed furiously as Andy wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. "I want you to meet someone..."

Ashley stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes wide and Andy looked at her worriedly,

"What's the matter babe?" He asked smirking and she opened her mouth to speak but she was speechless.

"Are we..." She began and Andy chuckled pulling her closer to reassure her.

"Ashley meet the love of my life...Monica." Andy said and Ashley furrowed her brow. Andy straddled the black motorcycle and caressed the engine gently.

"I am not getting on that...It's like giving you the nails to hammer on my coffin!" Exclaimed Ashley crossing her arms. Andy laughed and gestured to the seat in front of him.

"Relax, it's perfectly safe..." Andy patted the seat gently and helped Ashley climb onto the bike. "Don't freak out but I am going to wrap my arms around you so I can grip the handle-bars." Ashley took a deep breath and felt Andy's arms wrap around her body almost like a protective coat.

Ashley was terrified and her knuckles were white by the time they pulled into the crowded parking lot of a bar. There was a green and blue fluorescent light flickering above the door. It read "POW" in bold print and Ashley looked at Andy who held out his arm and whispered in her ear to stay close as they entered the overcrowded club.

It was packed to the rafters with Rancid Kill fans who were head banging and fist-pumping rhythmical to the violent drumbeats of the band.

The atmosphere was electric and Ashley felt her walls of sanity crash around her. Soon she too, and Andy had joined in the masses and began belting out the lyrics to their songs with the lead singer. Hit after hit Ashley's body was charged with a new burst of energy. Andy glanced over at her admiringly and was blown away by her breathtaking smile. He looked down at his wristwatch and decided it was time to call it a night.

"That was incredible!" Ashley gushed on her way out of the club and climbed onto the back of Andy's motorcycle without a second thought. He handed her his leather jacket to protect her against the sting of the chilly autumn air.

"Put your helmet on." He instructed handing her his helmet.

"How come you don't have to wear one?" Whined Ashley and Andy bent down to her and looked her in the eyes solemnly,

"Because I won't be the one scooping my brains up from the road." Ashley thought about his statement for a moment before laughing hysterically.

" You're so funny!" She beamed wrapping her arms around his waist tightly and rested her head against his back. He smirked and reversed his bike and headed towards the exit.

When they hit the highway, Ashley let go if Andy and outstretched her arms. She was still on the high of the concert by the time she reached the school.

Just outside her bedroom window, Andy and her stood facing each other and he leaned down closer to her. She caught him by the collar of his T-shirt and pulled him down to her. His lips moments away from brushing against hers when he pushed her away,

"NO!" He exclaimed and startled her. He turned away from her, "You should go inside now." He growled softly. Ashley felt hurt and dejected and wondered what she had done wrong.

Without thinking twice she climbed the tree and swung onto the balcony of the second floor. She climbed two flights of stairs stealthily and saw the lights of her bedroom were off. She turned around and saw the silhouette if Andy's body disappear into the shadows. She lifted the window and climbed in. Her leg caught on the ledge and she fell through the window with a loud thud.

"Is this time to get back?" Janice asked sleepily as she switched on the side lamp and glanced at the clock.

"I'm exhausted." Ashley yawned loudly and pulled off Andy's jacket. She carefully draped it around a nearby chair before changing into her pajamas. She was drifting in and out of consciousness when Janice asked her,

"Where did you go?" Too sleepy to think up a lie she admitted,

"Rancid Kill concert at this club called POW." Ashley yawned and dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

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