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I remember when we gave up on trying for another baby.
Back then, every month had brought disappointment until Ethan had taken the last test packet and put it into the bathroom cabinet before he returned to me where I was sat on our bed feeling disappointed at another negative test.

"Look, Izzy... If it's not meant to be then it's not worth stressing about anymore," he said and rested his forehead on mine.

Cautiously I looked into his eyes and saw the trace of sadness I knew I would find, but also a smile.

"We have each other. We have our two kids. Mother nature is giving us a hint. I think it's time we take it," he said and rubbed his nose on mine.

"You sure?" I asked, not wanting to disappoint him.

"We've tried everything from measuring temperatures to weird herbal remedies. Even the doctors couldn't find anything wrong... So yeah... I'm sure," Ethan nodded.

A sly, cheeky smile spread across his face.

"Besides... I'd like to go back to have sex for fun, not on the clock," He said with a crooked smirk that had my heart racing.

Before I could really get into the kiss, the door opened and Ayame entered the room.

"Ewww! Do you have to?" she huffed in disgust.

Ethan raised a cheeky eyebrow to me before turning to our then eleven year old daughter.

"What's up, Buttercup?" he asked.

"Dad! I'm 11, not five!" she huffed with a dramatic eye roll.

"Still... What's the hurry?" he asked.

"Umm.. Can I go out with Helen to the cinema?" she asked.

"With her parents?" I asked.

"Yeah," Aya replied.

Ethan and I exchanged a look.

"Please?!" We're going on another tour tomorrow and when we get back Helen will have done so many cool things without me!!!" Aya complained.

"And you're going on a world tour with a rock band!" I informed her.

"As if that's a blast!" Ayame muttered.

"Hey... Tours are awesome!" Seb shot in as he bounced past and jumped onto our bed.

I gave him a disbelieving look.

"No school!" he grinned.

"Oh, yes. School! Rhea is coming with us," Ethan chuckled at his son who groaned back.

"Tell you what. Every hour spent on books, means an hour of jamming. How's that sound?" Ethan offered Seb.

"Seriously? Nico and Hale too? Do we get to hang out with Gizmo? Can we jam with Morris? Do you think he'll let me try his hudson?" Seb asked using our double bed as a trampoline.

"We'll have to ask them. Just remember they are there as our support act, not your music teachers!" Ethan laughed.

Ayame cleared her throat, making me look at her again.

"Cinema? Helen?" she asked.

"Sure. Just be home by nine. We're leaving early tomorrow," I smiled.

"Yay! One last night of normality!" she cheered falsely before coming over to me with a smile.

I hugged her to me.

"Be careful, Okay?" I said, like I always did.

"I will," she replied and headed out to see her friend.
Seb stopped jumping and looked at the door where his sister had disappeared.

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