Black dots

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(A/N) YO! I hope you guys are ready because I made this one much longer since next week is the con (Anime North) and 100% sure I won't be posting next week as I'll be to busy BEING Levi loll... SO... turns out I can't write Mikasa nice... in fact she's the worst in this fic XD... I'm sorry XD. Hope you'll like this and thanks to people who comment week after week because this is what keeps me going and keeps me motivated even when I am not. I really really appreciated that and I love reading your crazy ideas. Some of you happen to be spot on as well, you observant little shits! Nah I mean lovely people...sorry Levi's trying to come out already because I'm so ready XD. Okay enough blabla... Enjoy and see you in probably 2 weeks but maybe 3 depending of how dead I am ;)

If you ever draw stuff from this fic, I track repressedfanfic on tumblr ;)

Mood songs (in order):
Kygo - Nothing left
X-Ambassadors - Gorgeous (What Levi dances to)
Lifehouse - Whatever it takes



Hanji definitely wasn't wrong this time, but like hell if I was going to admit it. Especially because it was getting late and I wanted to get back home as soon as possible. As I'm walking in the street on my way back to my car, I feel the cold air of the late evening rushing inside my hoodie. I blink a few time as my hair decides to frantically poke my eyes. I then pause, letting my shopping bags drop to the ground as I readjust my hood.

I needed a distraction since Eren wasn't coming over tonight and although I fought as hard as I could to stay home and relax, Hanji still managed to drag me out. Shopping was fun, but not as much as the bottle of wine she offered to pay for at the restaurant. Both of us couldn't get shitfaced due to the whole driving detail but it did help to numb ourselves a little. She told me about a guy she met that seems to be very interested but she hasn't told him yet what her workplace looks like. I know from experience that it never starts well a conversation. Except for people like Eren, the rare people who don't mind at all. Or at least he doesn't let it show if he does. I smile to myself as I pick up my bags again and walk up to the intersection.

I raise my gaze at the red light and press the button to cross the street. That's when I see a familiar figure on the sidewalk across the road. I angle my head and squint as I try to see if it's really him. Turns out it is. I'm about to run there to meet him when I notice a man standing there. A man that looks a bit like him although not so much at the same time. His dad I would have to assume. I take a step to the side, deciding to pretend on waiting for the bus beside a bench as I'm too curious to leave already. I also happen to crave his body so much that I'm close to risking meeting the evil man I've heard so little about. I listen, counting on the wind to send me bits and pieces of the conversation. Turns out I'm even luckier than that because the road is now almost desert from both sides and without the sound of the cars passing by, I can hear them talk just fine as it's not so far from me.

"I need to tell you something about Mikasa and I... I don't..."

During a brief instant, I thought he was about to tell his dad and I would be lying if I said that it didn't make me fucking ecstatic. Unfortunately, that's exactly when the girl in question ran behind Eren to hug him. She smiles and I immediately feel guilt rising inside of me. A car passes by as I miss a few words.

"The good news?" The tall man asks.

She looks up to Eren and then back at the man.

"How would you feel about being a grandfather?" She asks.

I take a step forward and lean in a bit, hoping she'll repeat this because I certainly didn't hear it right.

"You're pregnant?" The older man asks as he gestures happily to her belly.

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