Flight (10)

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| Isabel |

I always thought capes were ridiculous. I am now proven wrong.

My suit had skin-tight (but comfortable) material to it. It seemed like it was easy to move around in. Jor-El said that this was only the basic clothing back on Krypton. Clark's suit was basically the same as mine. The only difference was that I had a dark red skirt and he had a full body suit.

We walked out from the ship into the icy cold snow. The harsh winds were blowing our long capes around.

"Alright, I'm going to teach you how to fly." Clark said folding his arms. I looked at him like I just saw potatoes come out of his butt.

"Are you crazy? I can't fly, that's ridiculous." I said throwing my hands up in the air.

"Yes, I am crazy. But I know that you can do it. Every Kryptonian can." He said smirking. I just glared at him, and he just kept smirking like an idiot.

"How are you going to teach me? I don't have wings, am I going to flap my arms instead!" I said.

"That would actually be pretty funny, but no. It's way different then that." He said. I raised my eyebrows in question. What other way is there.

Clark gave me one of the best puppy dog faces I've ever seen. I rolled my eyes trying to ignore it, but it was difficult. He was doing a really good job. I gave up.

"Fine, you can teach me." I sighed. His face instantly turned from a puppy dog to a grin.

"Awesome! Last one to the end of the iceberg is polar bear bait!" He yelled over his shoulder, and he was gone.

"You can be such a child sometimes!" I yelled after him. Thank goodness I have super-speed to catch up to him. That idea soon went to waste, because snow kept blowing in my face. Now I know why it's so important to wear goggles when you go skiing. A couple minutes later I saw a blob of an object. I squinted my eyes to see better, it was tall and had a dark-bluish color to it. Why'd Clark stop, we weren't at the end of the iceberg yet. When I got closer I realized it wasn't Clark, but a penguin. Seriously, a penguin? I need to get my eyes checked.

When I reached the end of the iceberg Clark wasn't there. I used my x-ray vision to make sure he didn't fall into some ice hole. Nope, nothing. Did he just fly off and ditch me? He wouldn't do that right?

I decided to wait and make a snow angel. Then a bunch of thoughts came to my head.

I can't believe I actually met someone exactly like me. Clark went through what I went through, but he's still sane and hasn't gone crazy! Plus, he met his actual biological father. It kind of disappointed me that my parents weren't there. At least I knew where I came from. I knew I wasn't the only 'freak' out there.

I'm surprised that Jor-El actually accepted me into the House of El. Hmm, Thora-El. That had a nice ring to it, I wonder what house I was born in. What if Clark and I were siblings! Eww, that would be gross. He's too handsome to be my brother.

I shuddered at the thought. A ginormous boom interrupted my thoughts.

"What the-" I was saying before I was interrupted.

Two pairs of feet landed on the ice in front of me. When they landed, it made a huge crack straight down the middle. Making a huge space between us.

I looked up and I saw a slim woman and a huge humanoid with some sort of battle armor on.

The woman looked like the type of person you don't want to 'accidentally' spill coffee on. She had black short cropped hair, piercing grey eyes, and extremely awesome boots. I even doubted the big macho guy was even human. He was twice the size of the woman and had like 50 pounds of armor on. She had a dirty look on her face, and I bet the giant had a scowl too.

"I really love those boots." I said, trying to let up the mood. She just kept glaring at me, she looked like she wanted to spit. I was about to say something, but she cut me off.

"My name is Faora-Zod, and I have the authority to take you captive." She said, matter-of-factly. I just couldn't take my eyes off her boots.

"Seriously, were did you get those? You are killing it!" I said pointing to her boots. She looked like she lost her temper, and she came charging at me. I don't know what got into me, but I decided to stand there. Which angered her even more. I noticed she was wearing the same skintight suit I was wearing under her armor. The only difference was that mine had an 'S' symbol, and hers had some type of weird jumbly-joo. Just before she was coming to give my face a treatment, something tackled me to the ground, making me avoid Faora's punch.

I opened my eyes, to see a amused Clark on top of me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me.

"Made a new friend I presume?" He teased. I laughed.

"Yep, she didn't DITCH me in the middle of an iceberg." I teased back. He smiled.

"I didn't ditch you, I went to go fly around to see which mountain was best to fly off of." He replied calmly. I raised my eyebrows, then I remembered something.

"Where's Faora?" I asked.

"Who's Faora?" Clark said giving me a weird look.

"That chick with the AWESOME boots, she was charging after me before you tackled me to the snow. Thanks, by the way I have snow all over my hair." I explained. He gave me a weird look.

"I only tackled you to scare you, but I guess that works too?" He said raising his eyebrows. As if on cue, a force brought Clark to the ground.

"Clark!" I screamed. She just landed on him, with her high-heeled boots. I ran over and shoved her off of Clark. He seemed fine, but I knew it was going to be a pain in the morning. How'd she do that? Was she Kryptonian?

"Yes, I'm Kryptonian." She said crossing her arms. Giant came out of no where to stand beside her. His armor clanked when he walked.

"Please don't te-" I was saying before getting cut-off.

"No, I'm not going to say your easy to read. Even though you are." Before I could say anything, she cut me off by putting her hand up. I sighed and waited for her to listen, Clark folded his arms.

"Soon, soon Thora." She said before turning around. Then she had the nerve to wink at Clark. IM RIGHT HERE THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I thought.

"Oh and Kal, I would go home to check on your mother. She'll get worried soon." She said smirking. Then Faora and Giant flew off.

I don't know how, but I immediately flew after them leaving Clark who was right behind me calling my name.



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