Jealous ( Part Two Dazushi )

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Due to popular request, I'm posting a part two! Hope you guys like it :3 sorry I've been inactive!

Atsushi's POV

I still haven't gotten over it. Seeing Dazai with that other guy. It's been about a week since I ran away from them, but I still can't avoid them. They're everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.

It's just hard for me to move on. To love someone else. To push down my feelings and say 'oh, it's okay, I'll get over myself.'

It's hard to be jealous.

Jealous of their happiness. Jealous of their relationship. Jealous that I'm not the one Dazai holds hands with, kisses, laughs with, smiles at.

I honestly don't know what to call it. Karma? Did I do something so bad it deserves this torment? That's all I want to know, really.

At the moment I'm scribbling all my feelings down into a 'feelings journal.' This is what's kept me from adding new scars to the collection. Right now I'm at five.

Grumbling under my breath, I stand up and pull a sweatshirt on. As I was about to walk out of my bedroom door, I heard a knock.

I walked down the stairs, hands shoved into their pockets as I did, and went to the door. I twisted the handle and pulled the door open, to my surprise finding the brunette standing there in a similar stance. "D-Dazai-san... What are you doing here?" I asked, my heart fluttering at the sight, but breaking at the same time. Dazai sighed.

"Atsushi-kun, you've been avoiding me, why?" He asked. There was something in his voice. What was it? Was it sadness? Being scared? I had no clue.

"I-... Um..." I stuttered. My mind was filling with thoughts and feelings. I couldn't make my mouth focus on a group of words to say. I just stood there, my mouth moving but no words coming out.

Dazai looked into my eyes, letting out a soft sigh. "Fine... You don't have to tell me." He said, turning to walk away. I don't know how I suddenly got a burst of confidence, but I grabbed onto Dazai's arm and turned him around. "D-Dazai, T-The reason I've been acting like this is.. B-Because I-... I'm in love with you..." I finally managed. Dazai's eyes were glued wide open, staring at me. I let go, and then Dazai tried to get me to listen to him.

"Atsushi-kun, wait a minut-" Before Dazai could finish, I slammed the door and ran back upstairs. I couldn't face him. I couldn't let him see my scars. I couldn't let him in. Not again. The brunette had already fucked up my life by making me feel like I can't live without him. Can I live without him?

I need Dazai.

It's not just a crush anymore. I need him. I want him.

I want Dazai... I want him right now.

"Dazai.." I breathed, gasping a bit as I ran down the stairs. "Dammit... Please still be there..." I muttered as I pulled the door open. To my surprise, Dazai was still there.

"Atsushi-kun... L-" Dazai had started, but I wasn't there to listen. I grabbed Dazai's shirt collar and pulled him into a kiss before he could finish his second word. I wasn't waiting any longer. I wasn't backing down.

I guess life is better when you're not always the jealous one... But you're the one other people are jealous of.

So! Do to popular request, and I mean all the comments on my last chapter were practically all asking for a part two, I made it! The next chapter will be a request too, so leave requests in the comments for what you wanna see! I'll do as many requests as I can that you guys give!

Total word count: 647

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