The kiss

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Avalon's POV
it's already 12:00

"Are you okay?" Justin said sitting next to me on the corner of my bed
"No! I want Aaron! IM NEVER GONNA FEEL OKAY WITHOUT HIM" I cried nonstop
"Dude stop crying let us figure it out. You want Aaron, I want Alexis." Justin replied trying to calm me down "Get it?"
"HOW CAN WE FIX THIS JUSTIN?" I even cried louder having no hope
"Never thought you were that weak..." Justin whispered as I ignored
I went to the Mirror, looked at myself. My hair was everywhere, my mascara was melting down my cheek.
"Okay, okay." I breathed deeply while looked at Justin through the mirror"let's make a plan justin"
He nodded and then said "go to Aarons room, and ask him about your relationship"
10 minutes passed while Justin was finally finished giving me a lecture.
I fixed my makeup and hurried to Aarons room
Seconds passed no one answered...
I tried to open the door..locked
I tried to hear what's inside..silence
She is so dead.

Alexis POV
"I really like this place" I said playing with the cold sand "better than x-box"
"you're still gonna kiss me aren't you? I mean, I won after all." He smirked
"No, you have a girlfriend silly" I smirked back
"Not anymore" he said
I don't know what happened, I just felt that tension between us, that love that I miss so much.i had to kiss him. Directly after he did his words that I didn't pay attention to. I jumped on his lap and kiss him--I mean basically made out with him.
The moon shined on his face which made me believe that he's mine now, not the bitch Avalon.
I then stopped looked at his hands that were tightly surrounding my waist and back at him.
"Can we go back to our room?" I asked while hopping off of his lap
"Sure" he said standing up

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