You will.

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-We were there to show and not to explain.

-And now?

-I do nothing anymore.

-Just live?

-What do you mean with "just live"?

-Well, you enjoy your life.


-And what then?

-I fuck it.


-Say "fuck life" and don't give a damn about everything.

-So a rule breaker!?

-Of course.

-But aren't you, that something or someone else will fuck you up after...that all fun?

-I don't think about it.

-But what if?

-It will then happen. It's not my problem right now.

-Your thoughts aren't cheap.

-I know. But what can I do? It's an easy way to stop getting yourself in stress.

-You're alive huh?

-I was alive.

-But i mean, you live your life and don't even try to survive every day, like so many other people.

-But I'm not like them and that's good so.
-Mainstream is also not something for me.

-I don't know. It's your thing what you are and what not.

-What would you say, if you'd see me the first time now?

-What do you want to here?

-Your first thoughts about me.

-It's difficult.


-Because I know you a little.

-You know me a little? Then tell me your thoughts about me.

-But I don't want to hurt you.

-So bad?

-I don't know. It's okay.

-Then tell me. I'm curious.

-Well, you're not cool and I also think you don't even try to be cool. So not that cool, that everyone knows. I mean that real coolness.


-And you ...don't you think it's enough?

-No. Go on.

-So you're kind of cute but you try to be more...something different. And you're nice, it makes you different.

-I'm nice, that's why I'm different?

-And keep being like this.

-Why? Isn't it boring?

-Nope. It's new. The way you want to know things and all.

-So the way I talk. Yeah I talk with please, and?

-That's good. And you try every time things, you aren't meant to, but you want to proof that you're not like that, right?


-It's okay, well, it's more than okay. I like it.

-I want to proof, that I'm not only someone boring and nice.

-And? That's good, I told you.

-I wasn't sure, you know it.

-I know more than you thing.

-That sounds weird.


-You're weird.

-I hope that.

-Why that?

-It's cool.

-You're kidding. What's so good to be like that?

-I don't know.

-You know.

-Think about it. I won't tell you.

-I've got no idea.

-You will.

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