[0] ► symmetric beauties

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Small and vulnerable, that's how Ava and Asa felt. The two twins were abandoned by their parents and were left on the streets of Bath, England.

It was currently raining and the six year olds were cold and terrified. They were currently in an alleyway, freezing their asses off and holding onto each other. Ava on her knees, while her brother cried in her lap.

As they shivered, Asa cried on his sister's lap. They were at the very beginning of the alleyway, their expressions just asking for help.

Families walked past them, people walked past, everyone ignored them. Everyone ignored them as they passed by acting as if they didn't see them, too 'busy' with their own lives.

Asa was sad over it, while it angered Ava. They just wanted help.

"M-Maybe we sh-should l-leave, Ava?" Asa suggested, as he shivered in his sisters hold.

And that's when it happened, right when they were going to give up, they met their savior.

A little girl, around their age was walking down the sidewalk with her father. The girl was small and had long dirty blonde hair that was pulled up into two ponytails, and she held an umbrella in one hand, her father's in the other. Her father spoke to her as they walked.

The moment she passed the twins, she heard a cry.

"Huh?" She said, stopping and turning to look. Letting go of her father's hand, she made eye contact with Asa, who was crying.

Ava looked at the girl, the twins were now desperate for help. The little girl looked at both of them, she wanted to help.

Her father turned around to face her to see her holding her hand out for the two. He smiled, his daughter was sweeter than sugar.

The twins looked at the girl who had her hand out, "I'm Elle."

Ava looked at her, she was the more aggressive one, while her brother was a ball of sunshine.

"I-I'm Asa, this is Ava.. we're all alone."

Elle was confused to why kids her age would be alone, she thought for a minute and remembered when her mother left and her father spoke of child abandonment.

"I'll help you, I promise," she said, keeping her hand out. Ava and Elle looked at each other, Ava inspecting Elle, and Elle telling Ava that she was trustful.

Ava smiled softly a soft sob leaving her mouth as she put her hand in Elle's, Asa doing the same as tears streamed down his sisters gave.

That was the day an amazing friendship was sparked. The day Ava and Asa found not only their savior and best friend, but their meister.

💮 ten years later 💮

Elle sighed as she heard loud bang that woke her up. She slowly sat up in her bed, and crawled out of it carefully, sliding her small feet into her bunny slippers.

More loud laughs came from downstairs, making her smile, knowing it was the twins she adored so much.

She slowly walked towards her bathroom, and yawned when she walked in all the way. As she looked in the mirror, she nearly screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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