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"you're perfectly symmetrical"
"awe thanks, that's what i intended."

"she's perfect, she's everything i've every dreamed of in a lover. she dresses symmetrically, she loves symmetry, even her name is symmetric."

"i'm falling in love with her, and she doesn't even notice the affection i show her"
"that's... that's rough buddy."

"shall i have this dance?"
"can you even dance?"

"is this a date?"
"well, i intended it to be, but now we have a screaming blue monkey and his quiet side kick tagging along"

"you think you're garbage, but in my eyes, you're the most perfect thing on this earth."

"all my life, i've tried to make everything perfect and symmetric, but..."
"but what?"
"the most perfect specimen has been right in front of me all this time."

"so, this the end?"

Symmetrical Princess ⑧ death the kidWhere stories live. Discover now